....okay. So over the last two weeks I was really upset over a lot of things but also
how Kubo Tite took out Zangetsu, my most- and longest-favorite Bleach character, in a deluge of left-field retcon and literal shonen tears.
This week's chapter fixed it.
Not only is Ossan not disappearing forever, Ichigo decided that he and Shiro are both Zangetsu, and now wields TWO blades, and has grown up enough to ask if they're okay with that and express confidence that he won't be pushing them around and misunderstanding them anymore because they are him.
And I am VERY OKAY WITH THIS. After two weeks of thinking the manga was going to pull the usual shonen tricks and rip someone vital away from the hero just so we could watch him be upset,
NOPE, there was growth and reconciliation and Ichigo came out stronger and more whole than he was before. I did not expect this at all, and it feels really good. :')
Originally posted on
Dreamwidth. There are
comments there so far.