Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I lost my sheet with contact info, and I met up with some awesome people. Three of whom were at the Marauders Meetup - we were talking about RP. One of them was Melissa and she was with her friend who loved James Potter (I apologize for forgetting your name!). I can't find your email anywhere!
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Comments 5
Either way! Hi! I'll go ahead and friend you :) Where do you RP?
I friended you back! I rp over on insanejournal.com. I'm only in one HP game right now, though I'm thinking about starting one up... it'd be MWPP-era, set in 1974 or so. I've talked to Sarah (mentioned up there) about being my comod.
What kind of RP are you used to? Journal-based, or AIM-based or forum based?
Ah, finally, another IJ player! I haven't played a HP game over there in a little bit... since incarnate. MWPP is usually my baby but it's been a while since I found a good game. I used to watch blurred_lines which was incredible but I found it just before the game ended and couldn't join. So! If you are thinking about it I would definitely be interested in taking a look. If you have an OOC/CDJ for IJ I'm over at ~gidiot!
I'm really only used to RP on journals. I have done some AIM-based but not much, I don't mind it at all. I recently have been looking into forums but I have no idea where to start when it comes down to it!
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