Meme stolen from
umi_no_suzume and
Name: Karen
Screen name: infinitymax, farewellsunsets, Kanra
Current location: Florida, USA
Birth date: March 31st
Sign: Aries/Boar
2011 In The Beginning......
Where did you ring in the New Year? At home
Who were you with? Parents
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? Nope!
Did you make any resolutions? One was to write more, another was to be on the internet less often ad hang out with friends. ._.;;
If so did you keep them? Hahaha...uhh, the writing thing needs work. A looot of work. Otherwise, I kept my other resolution!
2011 Your Love Life....
Single/Taken? Taken.
How many relationships did you have? One.
How many break ups? None, though that was right before the New Year of 2011...
How many people did you kiss? One.
2011 Friends and Enemies......
Did you meet any new friends this year? Yessums~ :3
Did any of your friendships end? Some got strained, but who knows.
Did you dislike anyone? It's hard not to.
Did you get into any fights? Verbally, yes.
Did you make any new enemies? Hope not. :U
Did you resolve any fights? Sorta...?
Who was your closest friend? Kaylee and Zoë. Definitely.
2011....The Holidays!
Did you have a Valentine? No.
Did the Easter bunny visit you? Nein.
Did watch fireworks on the 4th of July? Yes~
Did you dress up for Halloween? Surprisingly, I did. XD
What did you do for Thanksgiving? Had dinner with my relatives. It was fun.
Did you receive what you wanted? Yes, yes I did.
Were you good this holiday season? I tried to be...?
2011 Your BIRTHDAY!!!
How old did you turn? 16
Did you have a cake? Yes.
What did you do for your birthday? Nothing.
Did you have a party? Nope.
Did you get any presents? A few lovely things from my friends. Much appreciation and love to them. <3
2011......The Memories and Accomplishments!
Funniest Memory? Hearing my cousins discuss their sex lives. It was very, extremely humorous.
Saddest Memory? Basically, the first five months of the year.
Most Embarassing Memory? My English teacher calling me cute, which created a chain reaction of my boyfriend and his best friend constantly calling me that, and I can't handle those types of compliments well fhjdskaj OTL
Best Accomplishment? Recovering. That's all I'm saying.
Favorite TV shows? Criminal Minds, Glee, DOCTOR WHO
Favorite songs? "Empty Sighs and Wine" by Isles & Glaciers, "If It Means a Lot to You" by A Day to Remember, "You" by The Pretty Reckless
Favorite bands/artists? The Hush Sound, Taking Back Sunday, Farewell Flight
Favorite food? Food. :V;;;
Favorite stores? Forever 21
Favorite restaurants? Not sure...
Favorite piece of clothing? Flannel XD
2011.....All about YOU....
Did you change at all this year? Yes.
Did you dye your hair? Nooope
Did you get your hair cut? Yes. Much shorter now.
Did you change your style? Don't really know
Were you in school? Unfortunately yes.
Did you have a job? Nope
Did you drive? No
Did you own a car? Nein
Did you lose anyone this year? Luckily no
Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope!
Did you move at all? Nein
Did you go on any vacations? Yes~ New York and a cruise to Alaska. :3
Did you leave the country at all? I technically went to Canada.
Would you change anything about yourself now? I need to be more hardworking. :T
2011.....Wrap Up.
Was 2011 a good year? Eh, it has its good and bad. Overall, not too bad of a year.
Do you have any regrets? A few.
Did 2011 bring any new insights? Definitely.
Do you think 2012 will top 2011? Seeing I'll be a senior starting next year, hell yeah.
Do you have any goals for 2012? Just a couple, but we'll see.
If you could forget any moment what would it be? Each experience was unforgettable.
Do you wish 2011 wouldn't end? I think I'd rather have 2012 now.
Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2012? There's a party tonight with my friends, so that's where I'll be.