Was good fun. We worked our asses off: I got to see almost every aspect of my first show in a long time. I was able to attend the media events that I wanted to, and snuck into this and that. Came with the staff badge [huzzah!] which pretty much meant that I could oversee just about anything. Archives, shows. .. all good. Our numbers were up; the
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Comments 4
Looking forward to/hoping to see you at the Cons this year. =) Seems like we don't talk in between as much as we used to.
Twas odd not to see you at Origins, but also not unexpected. You've been saying for years that Origins would likely be cut out eventually.
Is this you?
You were missed. Actually, the whole Con felt like the last gallop of a dying, loyal horse. Jen and I have always considered Origins "Our Con" but I think our con is dying or already dead. Attendance was poor, GAMA quality control was really low, etc etc.
Hope the changes end up for the positivito...
I really missed being at Origins. Things just weren't the same this summer without the show...and I could have SOOO used the break. Meh. There were just so damned many factors and I simply couldn't swing it due to family things. It wasn't an intentional cut out of a show. . just happened that way. So, the show wasn't as good as years past? That's really too bad. I'll have to make sure I'm there next year to bring it back!
On the up side, I will more than likly be at Gen Con...I say 'more than likly' because while I a) have the time off work, b) have the time with GenCon, c) have transdportation and accomodations .... you never know what could happen.
Hm... and nope, that's not me. Ironically strange that there is another me...but she spells her name slightly differently. Hrmph. Even in the same state! Imposter!!!!
Will be going to Montreal again soon .. we're generally going through the area sometime around 4 - 5 in the afternoon. Maybe we can make a stop and have diner with you? Do I still have the right phone number for you ( ... )
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