"your denial is beneath you, and thanks to my use of hallucinogenic drugs.. i see through you."

Apr 09, 2005 16:50

as i look at the nature of the world.. at the class of people who have always been the ones who've been told what to do, i see the expansion of knowledge. i see that back in the day, people were easy to control because their minds were so unenriched, uneducated. but as time progressed, "fairness" spread throughout the lands, and people became more aware of the world due to education and the newfound doors of communication; somehow, EVEN with this equal oppurtunity to actually be educated, and its even compulsory to be, they remain the way they always have been. the world hasnt changed. actually, the world HAS changed. drastically. it's the human mind that hasnt changed. the working class, the mother fucking worker bees that fuel the queens bounty, are STILL ON THE SAME PATH. they're still on the same path of petty, narrow minded, nationialistic, religiously conflicting journey. they are born, they go to school, and live out their meaningless lives. and for what? to make life better for the dickless cocksuckers that run the show. pfft fuck this shit i dont feel like talking about whats wrong with the world. if i were to finish this little essay i would go into drugs, because it is the point of it. i think drugs expand your mind. thats just me from my fuckin experience, and i dont know how you could deny that when what they do is expand the limits of your senses and imagination. legalize all drugs,
not because i and many others want to get high, we're going to do them regardless of the law they try to force on us, but because the fucking GOVERNMENT DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL US WHAT TO DO WITH OUR BODIES, AND ESPECIALLY THE PLANET'S ASSETS. in fact i wrote a "song" about that but i dont know if im going to post it because it sucks.

if the government wants to regulate anything let it be this, and ONLY THIS: to stop those who wish to harm others. thats all. i wish i could remember the old-age thinker that put that into better words, but i cant right now.

"on december 16, 1961, the world turned upside down, then inside out, and i was born- screaming, in america. it was the tale end of the american dream. just before we lost our innocence, irrevokably, when the tv eye brought the horror of our lives into our homes for all to see. i was told when i grew up i could be anything i wanted - a fireman, a policeman, a doctor; even president it seemed. and for the first time in the history of mankind, something new, called an astronaut. but like many kids, growing up on a steady diet of westerns, i always wanted to be the cowboy hero; that lone voice in the wilderness fighting corruption and evil wherever i found it. and standing for freedom, truth and justice. and in my heart of hearts, i still track the remnants of that dream wherever i go, in my never-ending ride, into the setting sun."
-bill hicks

that speech touches me.

dont worry, though. when im ready i'll try to make the world better for us.
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