Title: Miss Me, Kiss Me (SPAH Valentine Special)
author: infraredphaeton
summary: Valentine's means couples, means dramas, means making up.
a/n: Penny, I lied. It's not in this story.
warnings: LANGUAGE (Lee), implied violence, implied infidelity, implied boy kissing, implied boy-girl kissing. Eric. Lots of OCs.
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Comments 32
Also an accurate representation of me during the Lee/Jim parts and when they left my poor bb Eric all alone:
( ... )
omg, patrik, my poor baby. i shall hug you, give you hot choco and say that everything's going to be alright.
blaine, you dork. you glacial dork.
ok, sorry, patrik. sorry KURT. BUT I'M TAKING JIM. AND GRABBING LEE ALONG. THEY'RR, AFTER KLAINE, ARE WHAT MAKES SPAH SO WONDERFUL (and million other things). holy cow, i want them together now. infraaa? katieeeeeeee? i'll graduate for you, i swear.
so, yeah, pretty much. AWWWWWWW. spah! <3
I was at school and I was obsessively checking my email on my phone every ten minutes (I get the email alert) and it got confiscated...at 2:04.
So I get home at 4:36, and at 2:07 the email reached my inbox. T.T
But ohmigod, it was fabulous as always, and I loved Eric, as always (more material to base my RPing off of, yay!) and Liam was sick (was that a nod to the RP and the flu epidemic running around last week?) and Jim and Lee went on a date and EEEEEEEEEEEEE!
...I'm excited.
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