Title: Battle Royale (No Cheese) (3/3)
author: infraredphaeton
summary: Aftermath of kissing, Team/Blu are cute, people cry, and Wes decides he's going gay.
warnings: lots of OCs, vaguely OOC now Dalton has been developed. No Eric.
a/n: Thank you so much for being patient with me. I know this has taken forever. I couldn't ask for better readers.
hey did you miss me? )
Comments 24
1. I need Wes and David as running commentary for every single Klaine scene forever and ever.
2. I have endless amounts of love for Jim.
( ... )
I'm quite new to your 'verse, and I LOVE IT :D
poor Wes, though! *pets him*
I have serious love for this whole piece. Team/Blu is as awesome as always and I love your versions of the Dalton boys. Best of all- there's some of your signature quirky humor, which is the most wonderfully endearing thing ever.
this was amazingwonderloussupermegaawesome
poor Pratik :(
im flailing
Katatmari! *happy giggles*
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