Title: Battle Royale (No Cheese) (3/3)
author: infraredphaeton
summary: Aftermath of kissing, Team/Blu are cute, people cry, and Wes decides he's going gay.
warnings: lots of OCs, vaguely OOC now Dalton has been developed. No Eric.
a/n: Thank you so much for being patient with me. I know this has taken forever. I couldn't ask for better readers.
hey did you miss me? )
Comments 24
Urgh, and can I say how awesome it is that we're getting Sebastien and the Morrigans stuck in here? And that Harry and Seb are friends? YOU LEFT THAT PART OUT, KATIE. I WAS UNAWARE OF THIS FRIENDSHIP UNTIL I READ THIS.
Now, please excuse me as I lament Pratik's poor, poor guitar and Pratik's poor, poor sanity and Harry's poor, poor ability to hide his not-so-little crush.
I mean, what?
Late comment is late. I have been computer-less thanks to summer tossing all my old habits out the window. iPods do not make for good LJ commenting, let me tell you.
Pratiiik, babyyy, Harry will find the horrible person who smashed your guitar and every will be alright. Wes will give him a crash course in Krav Maga.
You are amazing and shiny and you deserve all of the cookies in the world.
Gah, just- just I love how you write them so <3
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