Hi there! I noticed you added me. Thank you! I think you look like the kind of person I would like to add back. However, I'm just a little wary about adding people I haven't met in person. I hope you don't take offence, it's nothing personal. So, next time you see me at the bar, please introduce yourself. I'd like to meet you. I will probably be at PANIC Saturday night at the Funahaus. If you're there, say hi!
Comments 2
I think you look like the kind of person I would like to add back. However, I'm just a little wary about adding people I haven't met in person. I hope you don't take offence, it's nothing personal.
So, next time you see me at the bar, please introduce yourself. I'd like to meet you.
I will probably be at PANIC Saturday night at the Funahaus. If you're there, say hi!
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