[The transmission begins with heavy static, fading enough for snatches of words to make it through.]
--Can't.........somet....[It cuts out completely for a full minute, starting again with even more static.]
Too early-- You got........ not yet....roger that. O' nine hundred hours............ shit.
[Something that sounds like a door slamming is the last sound that makes it though clearly, before there's only static for another ten seconds, and it cuts out completely.]
[Mod notes:
You know what this signifies? GAME START. Characters will awake at what's around seven in the morning to that transmission coming from their radios. All the doors to the Bunker will be shut initially (be wary of leaving them open, you know know what might get inside), and it will appear to be a peaceful morning. There are currently no dinosaurs inside the bunker, so count your blessings. 8]
This is an IC mingle post-- with 50 or so characters coming in at once, please make the best possible use of it! Bump into each other in the halls, hide away in your bunker, etc. They don't necessarily have to be just waking up when you comment (perhaps they've already ventured into the halls).
Any questions? You know where to find us-- email ingenmods@gmail.com or poke Arcfiring or Reno for Mod on AIM.]