Jan 31, 2010 21:16
Hirakoba, are you adept at cooking anything sweet?
I'm hungry and would like something to snack on. Also, if you'll make sure everything is ready for my bath later then after you prepare my snack you may have the remainder of the night to relax without interruption.
Jan 28, 2010 12:16
Would you care to keep me company in the evenings for a few days while my butler attends to his medical problem? I promise to be very, very good and keep my hands to myself, unless you want them on you ^.~
Jan 27, 2010 23:19
Och, no one told me my butler was afflicted with sleep-walking. The poor, poor dear seems to have acquired the habit of roaming at night when all are abed.
I'm sorry, Ryoga! I'm such a terrible master for not noticing before and shall contact a physician right away!
Jan 27, 2010 01:20
Yuki, a ghrá mo chroí~
My butler has ever so helpfully offered to run a bubblebath for us both to help aid us in getting over this distance growing between us.
Won't you join me?
Jan 22, 2010 17:41
Was I dreaming earlier?
I saw Headmaster Sakaki leaving with a suitcase in hand! Did we finally achieve the impossible and scare him away? I bet we did! I bet he's on his way to some retirement village to wile away the rest of his twilight years!
He's off to have a torrid affair with one of our mothers!
Jan 07, 2010 17:16
We should go on a date this weekend!
Jan 06, 2010 14:55
I've come to the conclusion that allergy medications are a thing of evil and so very not a blessing in disguise. ;__;
Ryoga, I think I am in need of an undisturbed nap.