When I saw my doctor for my monthly check up on 10/2/06 she was alarmed that my blood pressure was through the roof. I assured her that it only happened because I was held up in traffic on the way there, and started panicking that I'd be late, which is true.
She didn't seem placated by my explanation because at the end of my visit my blood pressure was still crazy high, though it had calmed a bit. She told me that she wanted to make Saturday 10/7/06 my last day of work because she was troubled by the blood pressure, and my anemia, and swelling. I protested because I know that my blood pressure was only so high due to anxiety.
Thing is, I was prepared for her to pull me off two months before I'm due, because all the standing on my bad leg is intolerable, etc-- but two months and three weeks before I'm due seems a bit heavy handed. Besides, I can't freaking afford that. All I get is California State Disability, and even that will be a hassle because we'll have to prove that it's medically necessary to pull me off more than one month in advance (which I suppose will be fairly easy with all the standing I do and my bad leg, but still). The fact that I'll only get 2/3 of what I made during some mystery time period (I'm on commission, remember) does not lessen my anxiety at all. We have sooo much to get to prepare for our son, and I'm not having a baby shower, so..
Anyway, she agreed not to pull me off on Saturday, but ordered that I get some blood tests done to check out my anemia because I looked pale and fatigued. I was going to the lab anyway because it's time to do the hour long glucose screening test. I was meant to see her in a week and half for further evaluation, but I'm not going to the lab until tomorrow so I'll see her on 10/16/06. 10/16/06-- my first wedding anniversary.
Michael and I will be Mr.&Mrs. for one year as of Monday 10/16/06. I keep telling myself that now that it's been a year it's time to finally take my wedding dress to the dry cleaners. Oi! (I swear I have more romantic thoughts than that, too).
We have no idea what we'll be doing on our honeymoon, but we'll have the weekend together. Last night Michael forlornly told me that the cabin we had stayed at a year ago was booked, and he was having a hard time finding other accomodations. I was so touched that he was trying because I have been so vocal about our finances that I assumed he'd take it as a message that we should "skip our honeymoon" this year.
Whatever happens I am very happy that I married Michael. I am also so happy that we're having our son. (By the way-- It makes me nuts that people keep asking if I was pregnant when I got married. Yes! Yes, I was. I am the first female who ever carried her child for 12-13 months instead of 9. Congratulate me!).
I keep telling Michael that I'd be happy if we camped out on the beach for our honeymoon, but he doesn't seem to believe me. Something about how uncomfortable I am sleeping in a regular bed right now, let alone a tent or the back of a truck. He may be on to something.
ADDENDUM: It is hard to come up with anything "papery" to give Michael for this anniversary. Any suggestions? (I already thought of tickets, books, "IOU" coupons, and calendars).