So, I'm a geek.

Apr 15, 2007 13:26

Ok, since we're getting so near the end of the "Harry Potter Series" (*whimper*), lets all list a couple of things that would sully the entire saga for you if they were to happen.

I'll name 3 just to get things started:

1: Oh boy, I know this won't be popular with some of you, but... IF Harry and Ginny do become a couple I really hope I won't have to read too much about it. Keep in mind that I was also not into reading about Cho and Harry either. I just don't wish to read about Harry's romantic side at all, I'm afraid. I find it distracting. Everyone else can couple 'till Hogwarts needs to add a maternity wing for all I care, but when it comes to Harry I'd rather the focus be on him battling evil, so on. (Plus I do admit that the Ginny/Harry angle makes my stomach feel like I've consumed nothing but high fructose corn syrup for 11 days straight).

2: I will be deeeeeeeeeeply disappointed if JK kills Harry off. At this point it seems too obvious because people don't believe she could possibly do it. (Please, please don't prove to us that you can (and will) kill off Harry, JK). Ok, if it will be the most magnificent ending of all time I could swallow it. If it will teach us all a valueable life lesson, prfoundly move us, or force us to look at our own attitudes on life, etc, I could swallow it. Otherwise-- hell, I know Harry will die eventually, so will you, and I. I just don't know that I could read the series to my son (when he's old enough), and have to end the wonderful journey together by explaining "death and dying", and "please stop crying, son-- I wish I never read you these books". Besides, we've already had painful deaths in the series, and I'll have to explain that, so let's not go crazy on the theme. And, and, and ...ugh...

3: This one should be above Harry dying, believe it or not. Ron dying. Ron dying would destroy the series for me completely. That is unless it's something like the last page of the book explaining what happened to everyone and it mentions that Ron died in his sleep at age 92, or something. Don't get me wrong here, I'm a tough lady, and I could "handle it". I *did* correctly predict the death of Sirius waaaaaayy back in this community. Ron is still somehow different though. Ron *is* our "every-man" in the book. You gotta root for Ron.

NO FLAMEWARS, PLS. I know a lot of us will not agree with each other on this topic, and that's fine. Feel free to argue your point, even try to convince others that you are right and they are wrong as long as it's done in a civil manner. Remember, this is a "grown up" Potter journal, and grown ups are allowed to get into heated discussion, but they're not allowed to get all disrespectful about it. Not here at least.

Anyway. I'm sure I'll think up more as discussion gets moving. Lets hear everyone's thoughts.

You all knew I was a Potter geek before I was a mom. Like it would *change* now that I am one. *scoff*
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