The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme

Mar 23, 2012 15:51

Taken from here.

1. Do they have any daily rituals?
He typically ends up sleeping in late (if unbothered, he’s likely to still be in bed at noon) and often ends up sleeping wherever he falls. He also has a bit of an issue with eating, as well. Thanks to the starving conditions of the war, he tends to be very conservative with how much he eats. Without someone bothering him to eat more, he’d likely just get a more decent breakfast, then just grab a snack here and there instead of making a actual meal for lunch or supper.

2. What does their bedroom look like?
In Antebellum there’d have likely been more too it, but after the war it’s more Spartan. Closet, dresser, bed, mirror, and that’d be about it for him. As long as he has what he needs, Aaron’s a content camper. There really isn’t anything that’s likely to jump out at someone.

3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Aaron’s typically moving around. Whether he’s straightening things up, repairing something, or otherwise going about his usual daily business he isn’t the type to spend long periods of time sitting around doing nothing, unless he was actually feeling more tired than usual.

4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
It would depend what they were doing in the kitchen. If someone else was cooking, he’d just grab a snack and move on to somewhere else. If they were just hanging around and not dealing with food, he’s more likely to either ignore them or kick them out, depending on how in the way they are. Assuming he was cooking a actual dinner.

5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
He does greatly prefer keeping clean. He doesn’t really mind some sweat or dirt or whatever else being on him much, he just doesn’t want it to stay there. Plus it gets hot down south and close to the coast, there’s the humidity as well. So ideally he’d be bathing at least once a day.

His workspace, though…Aaron tends to leave things in an organized mess. He knows where everything is and has a particular way of setting things up, though to the random passer-by it might look more like he just threw everything together. Other spaces are much the same.

6. Eating habits and sample daily menu
He’s more likely to eat more during breakfast, and then just…grab a peach or a handful of strawberries or a couple apples and so on during the rest of the day. He can be a little lazy when it comes to cooking a actual meal when he’s only doing it for himself, and then there’s the eating issue mentioned in the first question. Beyond that, he prefers something he can grab and take with him and eat as is.

7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
He’s the type that’ll invent all sorts of escapes from boredom. If he wasn’t doing something actually productive, he might be doing something with his hands, like scribbling some little doodle or making something (usually woodworking). He also knows how to play a few instruments, so if he has one of them on hand he might be playing. He doesn’t really see anything wrong with wasting time, on the condition what needs to be done is done.

8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
He loves sweet foods. He also quite enjoys cigarettes and whiskey. Again, on the condition it doesn’t get in the way of what needs to be done, he doesn’t see much wrong with it.

9. Makeup?
He doesn’t mind it on women (assuming they’re not wearing as much as a clown; he’s the type that’d like a more natural look). Obviously, he’d never wear it himself. Ever.

10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
From what I understand neuroses involve anxiety and distress. So I’m not entirely certain if this is the category Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder would be under, being a severe anxiety disorder, or not. However, he does have a case of PTSD. His symptoms include often thinking of events in the war, having to force himself to not think on them (sometimes feeling dizzy), and often having nightmares concerning them. There may be times he feels as if he’s relieving an event, and if he’s reminded of certain aspects of the war (ie the winter of 1864, the burning of Richmond) he’s likely to become emotionally upset and/or have physical reactions such as breaking out in a sweat or his heart rate speeding up. There are things he’ll avoid, such as having the potential to become nervous by being around large open flames or being stuck in the snow, and the Union uniform can have a effect on him. He often feels distant and cut off from others, shows less interest in important matters as well as more interest in unimportant things, and often feels as if he won’t realize his hopes/dreams. He has trouble sleeping, he can have trouble concentrating, as well as being overtly alert.

He has a fear of snow, or more specifically the freezing feeling. While controlled things like a campfire, candle, or fireplace are those he can handle, any larger fire may bring out a fear of fire, especially if he feels like he might be burned. Both of these are tied to his PTSD, though on an unrelated note he has a fear of snakes as well.

He also displays a handful of symptoms of a borderline personality, namely he has traits that fall into all four categories. These are destructive or self-destructive feelings, extreme feelings in general, feelings of fragmentation or lack of identity, and feelings of victimization.

Lastly over the course of Reconstruction he develops Stockholm syndrome in relation towards the Union. He was kept by the Union in a house he was unable to leave, and always had either Northern guards or the Union himself around.

He recognizes he has the phobias and in a subconscious way he can recognize his PTSD as well as the borderline, but he doesn’t truly recognize his Stockholm syndrome.

11. Intellectual pursuits?
He’s a soldier at heart and is very familiar with weapons and military strategies of his time period. He’s also very experienced in handling physical injuries, though his knowledge is also limited to his time period. He knows many old wives remedies and tales for this and that, and is good at taking care of animals as well.

12. Favorite book genre?
In the 19th century authors like Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe were popular, not to mention the Romantic era going on. This has a influence on his taste in books, though if you want a book he hates, it’d be Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Bisexual. Aaron tends to view humans in general as being inferior to the personifications of the countries, and given the choice would prefer being with another Nation. Due to the fact the majority of the Nations are male (and really, what would he have to do with the female Nations?) he tends to lean towards men.

Seeing how he’s bisexual in a very homophobic society, for years he had a very hard time accepting it, and in others it’s one of the few times he’s actually more liberal than his usual conservative nature.

14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
In his current time period, one would be hard-pressed to find an area on him not marred in some way. After being caught in the fires of Richmond, burn scars are the most common, followed by knife and bullet wounds from battles. The scars make it a little difficult for him to move sometimes, such as typically bending at the knee rather than the waist due to the scar from Vicksburg on his lower back otherwise creating a “pulling” feeling, due to the fact scar tissue doesn’t move the same way as healthy skin.

Occasionally he’ll get bout of “smoker’s lung” in later years. Also, while he does have the same strength as the Union and Canada, he’s also weaker in the fact he has more of a recoil to worry about. Sure, he could swing a bison over his head, but he’ll hurt his arm in the process.

15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?
…I’m not sure which to put “staying away from the Union” under. Let’s just put it under both.

16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Not being taken away to god knows where by the Union? Getting back on his feet? He’s a very…in the moment type of person. It’s not that he doesn’t have goals, but that it’s a little difficult to figure which ones fit under short and long term and which would be biggest or smallest.

17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
Typically he’ll be wearing either his uniform, or he’ll wear more casual clothes for his time period and typically have his uniform coat over it, especially in the winter. Not so much summer because they were made of wool and you just don’t wear wool in the summer without problems. So typically think like…boots, pants, button-up shirt, and then Confederate uniform coat. That’s about as basic as you can get.

He doesn’t mind dressing up in a suit, but simply prefers not to take the time with it if it’s not required and instead save the suits for business meetings and other formal occasions.

He doesn’t really have any rituals surrounding it either. He’ll just grab a pair of pants from the closet, a shirt that matches, may or may not go ahead and put his shoes on, and go.

18. Favorite beverage?
He actually prefers sweet tea over coffee, and the only time he’d drink coffee is if he was tired and needed to get woken up. When he drinks coffee, he often puts enough sugar and cream in it to make it taste like candy.

Beyond that, he does love him some whiskey. He doesn’t really get particular between bourbon, corn, malt, rye, or the other few types. If it’s whiskey, he’s likely to have no problem drinking it.

19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
He’ll often pray before he sleeps, typically quietly to himself instead of getting down on his knees or holding his hands in position. Mainly concerning his hope that those he cares for or his states are alright. Of course this might also be up to a couple hours before he’s actually sleeping, due to the fact he often has nightmares and so tends to stay up as late as he can until he just falls asleep from exhaustion.

20. Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
He was bitten by a copperhead as a child and ever since has had a snake phobia? The fears of snakes originally started because due to happenings in a game, we...kinda needed something to get to him. I thought of snakes due to the Anaconda Plan, which obviously would not of itself make him fear snakes.

21. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
Turn-ons: Biting, being dominated, being rough, though if he's with someone he's close to gentle and loving is good too, also those times he'd prefer facing and being able to see who he's with, having fingers running through his hair, oddly enough butterfly kisses along his neck or jaw, his scars being touched, being bent over something. Also awfully fond of being held tightly.

Turn-offs: While he doesn't mind mild bondage, like being handcuffed, he'll argue against anything more, especially if he doesn't really know the person he's with. He doesn't really mind mild pain, but again he'll argue against anything more. Going into actual s&m is a no-no. He also doesn't like the scars on his upper back being touched at all. The other scars really depend on who it is and how close they are to him.

22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
The paper would be covered in scribbles and doodles of just random different things.

23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Organized mess. To a random passer-by, it may look like he’s just piled things up together instead of actually taking the time to put things in order, but in reality it’s organized in a way he can find things easily.

24. Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
As mentioned above, he’s a soldier at heart, though limited by his time period. He’s a little selective with his knowledge. If it interests him or otherwise something he needs to know/can put to use, he’ll take the time to learn it, but if not he won’t bother.

25. How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
That is actually something he kinda prefers not to think on due to the fact that however he is, it’s more than likely not very good for him.

26. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
Mainly things concerning whether or not his states would be taken care of and doing what he can for them, while taking care of himself seems to come second to him. There isn’t much of a contingency plan.

27. What is their biggest regret?
Losing the War for Southern Independence/War between the States/American Civil War

28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Best friend…in-game at Universal that’d be CW!Texas. Outside of that, no one actually comes to mind. Enemy obviously would be the Union.

29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
He actually tends to handle extrapersonal disasters better than intrapersonal ones.

30. Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Intrapersonal disasters…to put it a slightly different way, Aaron’s one of those people that can handle material or physical damage like a trooper, but when something takes a more emotional toll, he tends to be blindsided by it.

31. Most prized possession?
He has a necklace, and on this necklace is a gold ring and a silver cross. The ring is from America back during Antebellum, when the North and South were considered to be “two regions with nothing in common but a common language and meager political bond”. The cross is from a beloved general towards the end of the war. While Aaron had been religious before the war, he lost faith entirely as it continued, and felt as if God had given up on him, due to the fact Confederates widely believed “God is with us”, but by the end of 1864 it became more and more obvious they couldn’t win. The necklace was given to him as a reminder that the soldiers and people still had faith in him. He keeps the ring on the chain with the cross and wears it at all times, typically under his shirt and directly against his chest. When the chain breaks, he either repairs it or finds another chain, string, or the like to use until it breaks.

32. Thoughts on material possessions in general?
They make life easier, but he’s also resourceful enough to be able to get along just fine without a lot of his material possessions. He got a lot of practice over the course of the war after losing so much, which is why he’s not as attached to material objects. They can be lost and taken away so easily.

33. Concept of home and family?
It’s nice, can make one feel safe or needed, but he doesn’t think it’s really for him. He’s distant from Canada, at war against the Union, and that’s the entirety of his own family right there. Anyone else would just be by association, and in fact Aaron counts Canada as a brother solely for the fact he’s America’s brother. Others like France or the British Isles would likewise just be a result of their relation with Canada and America, not him himself. As for home, for the past few years it’s just an empty house with no real attachment to it, just a place to sleep and hopefully not be caught by Union soldiers.

34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
He’s a very private person, and very selective about who he opens up to. Which is a bit hypocritical because while he doesn’t want people to know what he’s thinking or feeling, he does want people to tell him what’s going on with them.

35. What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
Maybe non-productive things such as doodling on paper. Typically when he does something, he tries to be more productive about it.

36. What makes them feel guilty?
His failure to free his states and people, that in the end they had to return to the Union in even worse conditions than they left, that all of the struggling and fighting hadn’t achieved what so many died for.

37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
He tries to be analytical, but Aaron tends to be more emotional. His thinking process in general is about 40% analytical and 60% intuition. He’s more logical and practical, but if he gets a bad feeling about something, for example, there’s a strong chance he’s going to heed it.

38. Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
While he does have traits of a Type A, like being arrogant and having more of a aggressive nature, Type B would probably be a closer fit.

39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Maybe taking a quick nap, but if he wants to stay awake he might go for a walk, relax outdoors weather permitting, if not he’ll find a particularly comfortable place inside to just lay back and rest for a bit.

40. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
He does feel inferior to the actual recognized Nations, especially since in his time Prussia hasn’t become a dissolved nation either and so he’s the only one. On the other hand, he also feels superior to humans and considers them to be a weaker being.

41. How misanthropic are they?
He’s actually very cynical since the war. Before during Antebellum he was more willing to believe in others, now however he immediately assumes the worst of others, save for the select few he feels he knows well and can trust, and even then they aren’t always safe from his cynicism.

42. Hobbies?
He loves being outside, though he'd also be content reading a book or something. He'd be just as likely walking the streets of Richmond as he would be in a library or horseplaying around somewhere. He’s also a animal person and enjoys taking care of them. He can also play a handful of instruments (Piano, fiddle, guitar).

43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
He learned the basics such as writing, math, reading, and the like under formal education. America taught him matters concerning economics and politics. So the things he had to know were initially either formal or semi-formal things, mainly by home school or tutors. Other matters he took a interest in he taught himself. As for formal vs. self-education, he doesn’t really have a opinion on it, seeing how he’s done both and can see how both have their pros and cons from experience.

44. Religion?
During Antebellum, Aaron was more religious. During the war, he lost faith entirely, feeling as if God had given up on him. Even in modern times, he only goes to churches on certain days, such as Christmas or Easter. However, despite losing that faith, he often finds himself on his knees in prayers during particularly tough times.

45. Superstitions or views on the occult?
While he can't see things like England's unicorns or fairies, Aaron is able to see "American" things like Thunderbirds or Bigfoot. He can also see ghosts. He isn't as easily frightened of the supernatural as Alfred, but he doesn't necessarily like them either. In fact, he's more comfortable with a ghost than what could be classified as a "monster", likely due to a ghost having been a human or something else familiar to him, while a jackalope for example could be considered more unnatural. He rarely will make any mention or this and so few know, both to avoid ridicule and because he doesn't want to run the risk of calling anything to him.

46. Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
Much more often through deeds rather than words. He tends to view words as being cheap and only meaning so much, and due to the fact he rarely ever tries to put his own thoughts or feelings into words, he tends to end up embarrassing himself a bit. So he prefers using actions rather than words.

47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
It’d…likely take a special sort to be able to handle someone like Aaron, who is so infamously hard to handle. It’d have to be someone who could handle being strong for/with him, and yet yielding. Uhm…hell, it’d take a special sort just to get the guy to trust them, let alone be willing to open up as much as an actual relationship kinda requires.

48. How do they express love?
He’ll often do little things for him without wanting to be thanked or repaid, spoil the person when he can, be very affectionate towards them, try to be less of a hassle, things like that.

49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
He’ll try to finish the fight quickly, aiming for places like the head, neck, chest, or stomach. He tends to hold back his strength less when he’s fighting so be able to overwhelm and take out his opponent quicker. He’s also the type that’ll keep fighting until the threat is removed, even when it’s stronger than him.

50. Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
He knows he’ll likely disappear at some point, he just doesn’t know when. He’s already died a number of times over the course of the war, though being a Nation he was able to get back up again. In his weakest times, he’s considered taking his own life. The lesson of survival>pride has yet to sink in and the headcanon exists that he would go so far as to actually do so whether as a way to keep the Union from achieving his goal of capturing him, mainly at sea when there wasn’t anywhere to escape to like on land. Death itself holds no fear to him and in fact he’d great it like an old friend. What he does fear is dying in a way he doesn’t want, of what control he still has slipping from him and leaving loose ends untied.

ooc, character notes, meme

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