Let us now speak of talentless, overrated hacks.

Dec 03, 2009 23:43

No, not Stephanie Meyer; I've had more than enough of that moronic, pathetic, boring, overstuffed, pompous, thoroughly unpleasant little twerp to last me three lifetimes.

No, what we are discussing here is James Cameron, and his derivative heap of bullshit that he had the supreme gall to call Avatar. Now, it's not the title itself that annoys me ( Read more... )

idiocy on parade, shut up already!, this annoys me, i hate morons, jackass of the month award, this irritates me

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Comments 2

baeraad December 4 2009, 08:29:33 UTC
Ye gods. How exactly does this work? I suppose that the movie industry can survive not getting to name another movie "Avatar" until the copyright expires, but that is an ordinary word - does this actually mean that you can't even make it part of another title?


ingriam December 4 2009, 12:17:21 UTC
I don't know; don't really care to know, either. It would make me want to kill something, I'm sure.


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