Well, that was depressing.
Yeah, I know. War is hell, blah blah blah. Still. I'm starting to get why they call him Yoshiyuki "Kill Them All" Tomino.
And damn, but did they have so many female pilots just to kill them tragically or something? It was unnerving, when Kamille destroyed Scirocco, the way he was surrounded by female ghosts - Four, Rosamia, Sarah, Reccoa and *sob* Emma. Oh, and Katz. Who I suppose got included because he was a kid. (Notice the absence of Apolly and Captain Henken?)
I still think there were too many characters. There wasn't time to get to know them. I guess it's a good thing that some were reused from the original series.
I have to say, though, Kamille really grew on me.
I always wondered a bit about that ending, with Fa running over a starlit sky. And then the end comes around, and she's the only mobile suit pilot who's still a) alive; b) sane; and c) relatively uninjured. Huh.
(Point c) is only because we know that Char survives to his movie, and Haman lives, too. Haman was pretty cool, by the way.)
Two things I should've mentioned before, but forgot: Damn, but Mr. Wong has to be the most obnoxious character in any Gundam ever. Also, Holly really only was there to have her name called and be assigned a mobile suit, wasn't she? I can't blame Omni for forgetting her, she was only there for one episode! (The only reason I remembered her was that I wrote a reaction post right after the episode.)
So, in sum: Good, but a bit too large and unwieldy. Also a bit hard at times to see how they got from the end of episode A to the beginning of episode B.