May 10, 2010 22:29


It took me embarrasingly long to buckle down and actually buy these series, but now they're mine. Mwaaahahaha.

Also, I think maybe the DVD box designers ship NanoFate.

Still, though, as adorable as the image on that second season box set is, I can't help but think it's not really descriptive of what's on the discs. I can't stop wondering which market they're trying to court, honestly.

It's not as bad as the front of my Princess Tutu box set, though. Nothing is as bad as that. They didn't even put Duck on the front! You know, the main character.

Still, I think that one of the fronts of the DVD covers in the second box set would've been better. (It was a box with three separate thin DVD covers. The first season was one cover with three discs.)

A lot of the Nanoha art is really pretty, by the way. I wonder if there's Nanoha art books.

Anyway! I want to get people to watch this show, and I've found that it's easier with the people I know off-line if I can just shove a box set in their hands.

However, I don't feel complete without StrikerS. Sadface. Come on, FUNIMATION! You've got the license now, give us a sub at least?

princess tutu, magical girl lyrical nanoha

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