Nov 28, 2004 17:25
It's been a good vacation.
I just wish it was a few more days..
But it HAS been fun.
I've been home all of what... 20 hours?
yeah that sounds about right.
PS. The economy sucks. and have you noticed how many more moods in the mood list are bad moods than good moods on this thing??
Nov 26, 2004 16:25
what a freaking great day.
Just got home, awesomely freaking good day.
Going to go shower and go back over.
wootness to the maximus.
Nov 20, 2004 19:13
Everythings fine, things seem to be going great.
Going out tonight to wait till midnight at walmart to get the Nintendo DS.^_^
umm that's about all.
Nov 14, 2004 21:21
Life Is Drama.
It doesnt matter where you go, who you're with, or what you do.
It will find you.
I dunno, things are still good I guess, but everyone seems to be upset.
I'm sure it's my fault somehow.
Yet I can't get anyone to talk to me about what it is...
Nov 11, 2004 23:59
Had a great time tonight.
Glasses suck.
Nov 09, 2004 19:07
Wow, a lot of things happening right now, a lot of good things.