So I've noticed I've been straying from my original fandom for a while now. And I thought it high time I started posting just random screencaps from Hogan's Heroes, instead of trying to organize them in some fashion. They're kind of small because I took them off YouTube videos. When I get back to our other home, I'll have my Season 1 discs, so I
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*****By the way, I forgot to announce that people can manip/icon these if they so want. :) ****
Hmmm, I might just turn that one of Hogan into an icon then (maybe even the Carter and Newkirk one as well)... Thanks. :)
Could I ask a question? Since you also have a Mac, how do you use the iMovie to take caps? Before my computer crashed and I had to reinstall everything, I somehow never got that app and now I have it, but I don't know what to do with it.
Glad to answer your question. I actually don't make caps from iMovie. I can take a screen shot of anything on my screen by hitting Command+Shift+4 and dragging. It just so happened that I uploaded a bunch of episodes to iMovie (to make an HH music video...that I really should post here...), and they were playing there on the side, so I capped a few passing scenes.
I hope this helps! You can take a snapshot of your whole screen by hitting Command+Shift+3. Those little shortcuts are to blame for my eating up my computer memory, lol! :)
It's odd though, as that episode features the one-time appearance of two of my favorite characters (Felix and Wilson), yet it's not a favorite episode of mine at all.
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