Meme. :D; Angst.
Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little-known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1. I own more strangely patterned stockings/nets than I can count and yet always run out of socks, because I have around five normal pairs that I can wear with sneakers/workshoes. XD; These are either striped or uh, have some sort of farm animal on them.
(No, seriously. :D; In three days, I got all of
these plus
these. :D; They were on sale, it was a bargain. No! Really! Like, $1 - $2 a pair? ;D Oho~)
2. To any given question along the lines of "Why did you do that? :D;" the answer will invariably be "Because it seemed funny." or "I thought it would be amusing." or the dreaded "It seemed like a good idea at the time." but secretly, all I want to do is giggle at the world. XD;
3. I own at least three pairs of bathers that will never see the light of day because apparently, I collect skanky swimwear? :D; HOHOHO. One is vaguely reminiscent of an X-men costume. Another one piece has less material in it than my two piece. My two piece, which I thought had a cloud pattern, on further inspection seems to have a mutated leopard print. :D;
4. For someone that hates being looked at (to the point of throwing fits if I speak up in a group and everyone looks at me and hysterically flailing during tutorial presentations) I tend to dress in a way that somewhat stands out. It's not fun unless there's a, uh... :D; Charm point (>.|), to the outfit. ;D Most of the time, I go for the socks. Sometimes, it's an accessory. :D; Sometimes, it's a totally random tiny bag that's in the shape of a stuffed animal.
5. This said, I'm trying to find a signature item that I'll wear everyday. For now, I'm experimenting with various hats, my fingerless gloves and my aviator goggles. :D; NOT all at once. Why? Because it would be amusing.
6. If I'm particularly grumpy, I'll wear my Kyou Fruits Basket beanie, which has angry eyes and ears and is eyecatchingly yellow. XD; Last time I wore that in an exam - you know how in exams, it's all heads down to focus on paper? :D; It brings the angry eyes on it to stare directly at the exam supervisors. Every time I looked up, an exam supervisor was looking back.
7. I have actually walked into a pole before. It didn't hurt. ;D
8. I find canned laughter tracks REALLY REALLY CREEPY since they were recorded in the 60s and never actually rerecorded. So uh. The people you hear laughing? Are more than likely dead.
9. It is far far more fun to do the chasing and ♥♥♥ over people than to actually have them reciprocate. Being the object of anyone's affections is totally enough to make me drop them like something radioactive and run away. ;D So uh, people that play hard to get are yay?
10. My goal in life is to live an average life, with an average job, an average (for a first world privilaged country) socio-economic status where I'll be able to retire at a reasonable age and live grumpily ever after with someone that lives with an ordinary level of exceptionalism just like me. 8D; For someone like me, being ordinary is just fine. XDv
Tagging, not ten people because I am lazy and lots of you have already done it before:
songsheet and
bakashoujiki and everyone else that wants to do it. :E
And now I go to work. :D; Angst.
Oh. :3 I'm switching journals sometime soon. If someone unexplained adds you to their flist, it might just be me. 8D;;;