WOW! What a weekend, sooo busy, I'm so tired right now.
Okay, we shall start with the concert seeing as that came first in time.
So we got out of the car, into this sea of black clad, skinny leg jean people, piercings included! And I'll tell you now, listening in on peoples conversations there was so entertaining, you've never heard the word "myspace" so many times in your life!
Heres a litle snippit of something I found particuarly amusing, this is from a Male voice in the queue
"I feel so gay when I use my straightner, but, like, I look totaly shit without it..." L-M-A-O
Cat didnt hear it so im having a fit of laughter while she just stands there confused.
So, the bands were awesome, they kick ass live. The moshpit- the fans however, were gaaaay (and not in a good way) seriously the mosh went a lil somethin' like this *nods head shoftly, then harder in a temporary burst of enery, then soft again* so gay, yet they still crush the air out of your lungs at the same time.
I got the mobile number of the suppoting bands drummer, then promptly lost it, SO PISSED! (Not that he was hot but STILL!)
After the show we hung out for a bit, talked to the guys (and girl), we got photos, i dont have them yet, but we did, and i got to get close to both Ryan and Jon, whom I Love <3
Rage also topped my night by playing Panic! Just for snaps.
Now, Quest Retreat, OMG, so fucking good, srsly.
Just as Natalie <3 said, It was a fucking amazing experience.
The quest people rock my world.
Saturday Morning. Had to get up Early, was kinda nervouse about meeting my lil kids, but too sleepy to really freak out =)
I was late, but so was Emaa, so it was all good, seeing my friends there, all of us like buzzing already.
So we go off, make big ass card with out sisters name on em, and wait for them to come too us, aka the airport scene. I met by beautiful girls Lauren, Shannon and Kenni (Kenitta, these girls are so great!
Reece (my partenr) only had 2 boys- Dylan and JP/James/Taylor
Haha. on the subject of Chad, by the way, one of my girls likes him!!! hahaha!!
GetToKnowYou games, everyone is pretty comfortable already, slight awkwardness while we were still in the ORC but thats about it, already the little firebugs want to burn things, i was so proud!
So back to my place, with my sisters <3 We have lunch and then off to collect cans from our neighbours!
It went great! I was most scared about this bit but we all went together to the first few houses till we got more confident.
Holy shit fuck, one guy answers the door shirtless, naked 2yr old kid behind him, it was Kennis turn to talk but she just stepped back and left it for me, so Im standing there tring to focus ON HIS FACE not the amount of skin i can see while the 3 girls are PISSING themselves laughing, and i mean cacking themselve, bent over double, red faces the works (he couldnt see them but i could) So i am trying desperately to keep a straight face while he wanders of looking for cans (after i stumble over everysecond word i try to say). And believe me when Shannon laughs its contagious in a SARS way.
Oh and a lady CAME TO MY HOUSE and gave us dog food, Kenny smiles weekly and says thanks, walks back into my house where we all are and holds up the tin announcing "They're not THAT poor!"
PMG, we were so random, after playing with my keyboard (the musical type) long anough to discover we all CAN NOT play for crap, they decide we should go see the chickens, so we do, and we accidentaly leave the gate open.
The next 30mins-1hour is spent chasing chickens madly around the yard, incredibly amusing and surprisingly fun.
So fun in fact that when Adam and the boys came we tried to do it again, but the chickens for some reason didnt wanna play =(
Tell them to tell everyone that we did our talks and go off to the park.
EAT! yum ^^
Prayer sassion, otherwise called chancetoburnlotsofcandlesandanythingelseflamable, but no, we did get some choice pray-age in.
Give out letters, no one got to emotional, all Dylan cared about was when we get to eat cake.
We have cake cause it's Adams birthday, so we sing him Happy birthday (badly) and play him it on the keyboard (terribly) and stuff ourselves silly.
God these girls were cool, Lauren is the prettiest girl alive, and likes the same music as me, even knows the band i want to see the concert of!
So anyway, after attacking the poor boys with makeup and drwing on eachothers faces we toddle back to school and offload the cans. Then we did our witness talks, went up with Shannon who was hella nervouse but made me proud x 983985089123647.
Much hugs and singing and fun.
The Next Day, early morning again, late AGAIN.
Breakfast- hanging out, whatching Mitchell 'skate' eating food made just for us, and generally laughing our asses off.
Back to classrooms, where the Kids 'work on Quest Books' right, we had intruders and we all went crazy burning things some more.
Then back to Xantan Centre where we had Prayers & talks(not too painful), Slideshow (cool!) and singing (AHAHAHA FUN AS!)
We got badges! Shiny! Yay!
Year 8's walk around shaking everyones hands, some of them have the wussiest handshakes ever! Gave my girls many hugs.
Hugged like, loads of the other quest ministers in a big love fest!
It's all really emotional, both times after i left i was on just such a huge high !!!!
I'm SOOOOOOO glad I did it.
It was just so good!
I also have more to update on, as I said, big weekend, but that will just have to wait, I'm tired beyond belief!
Oh, and ignore the typos.