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Тебе может будет интересно или подскажешь чего:
Тред посмотрю...
Чтобы коммент в тему был.
Тебе это интересно? Мы вот тут очень мило с тов писателем artua войну обсуждаем.
Хочется расширить тему.... в ограниченном кругу.
и про египет хотела спросить.... откуда берутся египтологи? актуально.
хмык. если журнал мой нечитабелен фор ю, то чиркни куда тебе можно написать, если можно...
Hell, the more the merrier. C'mon, give me some insight on the inner workings of the Agents of the Matrix.
Or, uh, meaning to fear you guys. Yea. Really.
Just a note, last few months I use to write in my LJ in russian more than in english. because, I suppose, you don't read russian, I added you to english friends group so russian posts would not mess up your friends page. But if you learn russian or know it, I can add you to russian group too. It's also an explanation that my LJ is not inactive, but russian and english posts are separated.
And, to know more about agent's life... you're always welcome at http://www.matrixagents.net :) Stories collected in "fiction" section will definitely open you a door into agents' world. may be you would better feel our side, then ;)
~~ agent Inity
But you may try reading :) I added you to access list for english-language posts. (if you know russian, can add you to russian group too)
Ratio varies from time to time. It totally depends on my mood.
But if you just like agenty stuff, jusyt join matrix_agents =)
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