Title: With a Little Help from my Friends (Ficlet Entry #5)
Author: Ink_River10
Pairing: Shindong/Nari
Rating: R
Warnings: None, but there is a blurb at the end of the fic
Genre: One Shot
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior. No one does.
Summary: Shindong is so tired of never winning the diet battle, he turns to something that only gives the illusion of helping
Shin Donghee stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, his eyes squinting through the condensation that had collected on the glass. If he squinted, he could just imagine that his reflection was smaller, slimmer, more defined.
He sighed and stepped back, fully aware that what was a distorted version of himself in the mirror wasn’t the real thing. He looked down at the hated thing on the floor at his feet, and the hated clipboard hanging in his hands. Dejectedly, he stepped onto the scale and exhaled hard, focusing on keeping as still as possible.
Seconds later, the demonic device beeped, and he looked down. The red numbers glared back at him, mocking him with their inevitable truth. Swallowing hard, he raised the clipboard and wrote the digits on the paper. He knew he would have to hand it in to Kyungho, and he’d have to watch the manager’s face as he sighed in disappointment.
It had been like this every day for seven years. Seven whole years of depriving himself for a week and then giving into temptation and eating everything in sight. Seven years of working out an hour more than any of the other members and STILL not losing weight the same way they did.
Seven years of trying to avoid situations where he would be tempted, trying to ignore the siren call of sweets and deliciously fattening foods. Gods, but he was tired of this never ending, uphill battle. He refused to take some of the drastic measures other people had done. He was never going to stick his finger down his own throat and hork up what he’d eaten just to lose weight. He was never going to start smoking to dull the edge of the hunger just so he’d get addicted to something else instead.
But as he pushed the scale back under the counter and looked at his (now clearer) reflection in the mirror, his thoughts drifted to the tiny bottle stuffed under his bed. The bottle filled with pills that were supposed to increase your metabolism and burn calories faster. “Speed” Someone had called it. He had bought it over a week ago but had been too afraid to try it. What if it made him crazy? What if it made him not able to rap or dance? What if it didn’t work? What if it did?
And then he saw her face in his mind. She was always saying how proud she was of him, how much she cared about him and that it didn’t bother her that he was heavy. How she loved him no matter what he looked like. Nari. She had made everything worth fighting for. She had been the only reason he had thrown away that bag of candy that had been his constant companion nearly his whole life.
And it sickened him that he still wanted it. He still wanted to run out to the corner store and buy every piece of candy or cookies or junkfood he could lay his hands on. It sickened him that Nari wasn’t enough to feed the insatiable hunger-demon inside him.
Shin Donghee exited the bathroom and handed the clipboard to Kyungho without a word. He walked away before the manager could even glance at today’s weight. He walked to his bedroom and shut the door, and then turned to face the bed. He walked over, knelt down and pulled out the little box. When he opened it, the bottle gleamed up at him, promising him that this time things would be different. This time, he’d succeed with it’s help. This time, you’ll be thin and handsome and everyone will love you.
He tore open the wrapper and twisted the cap off. He poured a few of the pills into his hand and swallowed them, then washed them down with a cup of water. He capped the bottle, stuck it back in the box and shoved the box back under his bed.
He felt a rush of exhilaration. It was as if the pills had already made him thin, and he was surfing along the wave of excitement at his future self.
This time, I’ll succeed. This time, I won’t fail.
It was a promise he’d made to himself a thousand times before. He’d always failed, with every new diet fad or exercise program. But not this time. Unaware of what the tiny pills were doing in his bloodstream, Shin Donghee walked out into the living room and past the kitchen where the smells of breakfast wafted through the room. He ignored them. He would ignore them all from now on. With the help of his tiny little oh so very dangerous friends.
Author's Note: I've been where Shindong is, and it put me in the hospital for three days. Just a note of warning: Speed doesn't help you lose weight, it just makes you crazy. /public service announcement