Title: Back to Life - Part 1/6
Author: Ink_River10
Pairing: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Genre: One Shot - Humor
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior. No one does!
Summary: Cho Kyuhyun's quiet, peaceful life is about to get seriously interrupted
Author's Note: This story was begun almost 6 months ago for the ever awesome
arashi_nana but I didn't get as far with it as I wanted to. There is more than what is posted here but where it leaves off is like some horrible cliffhanger to which there is no resolution...so I present this with the warning that if you want the rest, it's unfinished!
Cho Kyuhyun did not understand people at all. It wasn’t that he was stupid….far from it in fact. He had received top marks in every class he’d taken, and graduated both high school and college at the top of his class, all with nearly shocking ease. He wasn’t a genius (although he might smile a little wry smile if you were to say such a thing).
But people……..he did not understand people. Most people seemed to him to be like big dumb, happy dogs. Most people smiled and/or cried when they felt happy or sad. Kyuhyun didn’t understand this. How could people be so….open with their feelings? How could they just let anyone see their emotions by being so completely free with them?
It’s not like Cho Kyuhyun was cruel….he just never let anyone see how he was feeling. He often wore a bland expression on his handsome face, sometimes wondering why people looked at him oddly, and occasionally, even with pity.
The only way he was able make sense of….people…was to turn away from them and focus on other things. Like the dead ones instead.
Kyuhyun was content to spend his days working at the morgue, his analytical mind constantly processing the information as he examined the dead bodies that passed through this place. He quickly became known as the most brilliant pathologist in Seoul, with hundreds of cases being processed every week. They came in, sometimes untouched, and sometime mangled beyond recognition, but every single one of them had a story. And he always was able to tell it. He enjoyed the workload, even though it kept him there for twelve to thirteen hours a day.
He would spend his day with the dead, coaxing the secrets from their bodies and then go home at night, make himself a (badly) cooked dinner, watch a movie and fall asleep on his couch. He would wake up at 2am, crawl into bed and sleep until 6, and then start it all over again.
Kyuhyun lived alone, slept alone, ate alone, and worked alone. He liked it that way. Occasionally he left the morgue to go outside for lunch (as eating in that environment was sort of disgusting). Sometimes he saw the same elderly couple out taking a stroll during one of his lunches, and he would watch them as if they were test subjects in an experiment he was conducting. He felt less derision and confusion about the elderly, as they deserved more respect than all those loopy faced, starry-eyed, nonsensical….alive people.
Oddly though, while watching this one elderly couple one day while he was eating his lunch in the park, he felt a pang of loneliness. It seemed strange and foreign to him, and for a moment he wondered if what he had eaten had given him indigestion. And then he realized with a confused sort of bewilderment that he was actually feeling lonely. Watching this couple made him wonder if he would be old like this little old, stooped man who had his wife’s hand clenched lovingly in his own.
Except, he would have no wife. He would be alone.
Kyuhyun looked away, feeling as if he was intruding on something private, even though the park was full of people. But then he saw more couples, suddenly everywhere...although logically he knew they had been there all along and somehow now he was just seeing them. Some of them were even kissing, and it made him extremely uncomfortable. Grimacing, he packed the rest of his lunch back into the bag and hastened back to the morgue, where it was safe and quiet and completely devoid of life. Or love.
It was a normal day like any other when he met Zhou Mi. He was working, bent over a microscope, peering intently at the specimens he had placed on the glass. His mind was busy working over all the possibilities, and he did not hear the door open or close. He didn’t even notice that there was the presence of another (alive) human being in the room until that human cleared his throat meaningfully.
Kyuhyun straightened up, frowning at the tall, gangly looking man who was holding a rather heavy looking box.
“Yes?” he asked, frowning as he pushed his glasses further up his nose.
“Hello, I’m Zhou Mi. Are you Kyuhyun-ssi?” The man smiled, setting down the box and extending a hand towards Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun stared at the proffered hand for a moment and shook it hesitantly and with as little contact as possible. He didn’t like touching people very much. Not the live ones, anyway. Zhou Mi seemed to ignore the look on Kyuhyun’s face and continued speaking in a cheerful voice. “Choi Siwon sent me.”
Kyuhyun continued to eye the tall man for a moment, wondering why he sounded slightly different than….well, than normal people sound. And then it came to him.
“You’re Chinese.” He said emotionlessly.
Zhou Mi blinked at him for a moment, and then a fine red blush crawled up his cheeks. “Yes.” He said cautiously. “Does that bother you?”
Kyuhyun frowned. “No, why would it bother me?”
And then Zhou Mi did the most unexpected thing. He laughed. “Siwon-ssi told me you were a little odd.”
“No I’m not.” Kyuhyun said defensively. His frown deepened.
Zhou Mi continued to smile, but he walked forward, looking around the room in curiosity. The bright smile on his face was a little disturbing and completely out of place in this somber, quiet room. Kyuhyun decided to adopt the tactic of indifference.
“What did Choi Siwon send you down here for again?” He asked, trying to sound politely interested but actually coming off sounding highly annoyed. There was a moment or two of silence and then Zhou Mi spoke again, this time sounding a little confused.
“He didn’t tell you?”
Kyuhyun snorted out a “Hmph” and glared at the idiot man. “If he had told me, I wouldn’t have asked you that question.”
“True.” Zhou Mi stated. “It’s cold down here.” He stated, rubbing his arms. “Aren’t you cold?”
“No.” Kyuhyun said, wondering why the man hadn’t said what he was here to say then bolted for the door like most people did when they had to come into the morgue. Most live humans abhorred the dead.
“Wow I’m freezing. But then again I’m always cold. My mother says it’s because I’m so tall.” He laughed, and the sound bounced off the walls, creating an echo that broke Kyuhyun’s concentration and made him feel strange. He turned to look at the man again, peering over the edge of his glasses. Zhou Mi smiled brilliantly at him.
“Why would your height have anything to do with your body temperature?” Kyuhyun continued to frown. Zhou Mi laughed, and the sound bounced around the room like electricity. Kyuhyun’s mouth fell open at the utter shock of it. When Zhou Mi was done giggling, he shook his head.
“Choi Siwon was right, you ARE funny.” He grinned.
Kyuhyun frowned for what felt like the tenth time since Zhou Mi walked in the door. “Who are you and why are you here?” Kyuhyun asked, his voice a flat deadpan.
If possible, Zhou Mi’s smile widened even further. He reached down to where a badge was pinned to his vest and pulled, the tension wire zipping noisily as he practically shoved the badge into Kyuhyun’s face.
“My name is Zhou Mi. I’m your new lab technician.” He beamed.
Cho Kyuhyun didn’t often swear out loud, but he was quite proficient in curse words. Within the dark confines of his brain, he silently shouted every single one of them.
Part 2