Some days, you have to celebrate the small things.

Jul 13, 2005 23:36

I now have a pen shaped like the human spinal column, with the tailbone at the top ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

anti_cyclone July 14 2005, 08:34:20 UTC
We want pictures!


I'll have to hit up someone with a digital camera. ink_and_coffee July 14 2005, 18:09:48 UTC

My scanner's not hooked up (I'm such a Luddite, my cell phone has a rotary dial).

But I'm sure that can be arranged.

You want the full robot/dartgun/spinal complement, or just the backbone of the collection?


Re: I'll have to hit up someone with a digital camera. anti_cyclone July 15 2005, 08:28:32 UTC
I'm mainly curious to see the spine, but I'm a sucker for any and all pictures.

I've heard that it's possible to wire a connector onto a rotary phone handset, and plug it into a cell phone. I haven't tried it because I don't want to sacrifice my rotary phone, though.


OK. ink_and_coffee July 16 2005, 01:12:37 UTC

I'm off on vacation starting tomorrow, and somehow I'll get a picture of this thing/these things digitized.

The pen's being balky, though. I need new material for tonight's midnight poetry reading, and it's not channelling anything from Museland onto the paper.


manuka July 14 2005, 11:23:25 UTC
Too cool... where'd you get that from? Want.


It was given to me. ink_and_coffee July 14 2005, 18:14:08 UTC

It was part of a lot for a silent auction -- a basket of the sort of freebies pharmaceutical and medical reps hand out.

I don't know where it all came from, though. There's no logo on the pen, and it wasn't in a wrapper.

I'll try to track down the source.


evannewyork July 14 2005, 12:54:43 UTC
I used to have a few mini spinal columns that were key chains, not pens. I gave them out to friends that had back problems. I got them in a grab bag from Archie McPhee.


Too cool. ink_and_coffee July 14 2005, 18:16:16 UTC

My keyring's pedestrian: a work medallion, which once served as a locator (I lose keys, so the more shiny things attached to them, the better), and the security token for my work laptop.

I used to have my stash of coffee club cards in a little wallet attached to my keys, but they got so heavy they were starting to mess up my ignition.


Re: Too cool. evannewyork July 14 2005, 22:58:02 UTC
I merely have a bottle opener on mine, along with my duane reade card.


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