Everything feels better lately. Last week, I even managed to have a couple of GOOD DAYS at work, which I must say, have been a long time coming. Normally I feel like a caged animal here and just want to get the hell out as quickly as is humanly possible
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With the whole big internet out there, I become overwhelmed, and only ever seem to hit up the same handful of sites on a daily basis. Here is a sampling, for posterity
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Thank you for being awesome people who have for the most part allowed me to completely forget or block out the most humiliating moments of the last -- okay, well, let's just say 26 years -- of my life
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I was looking back at my old livejournal today (before my extremely creative name change) and noticed what a totally different tone it had. I used to just randomly write about inconsequential but fun stuff. Imagine that
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I'm trying to fathom any possible, legitimate reason a parent would deny their child access to the anti-HPV (read: anti cervical cancer) vaccine, and I'm left utterly flummoxed. It simply does not compute
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