Это практически наверняка ReCaptcha, которая функционирует по очень интересному принципу: одно слово самой капче известно, и собственно служит проверочным. А второе - неизвестно, и вводящий капчу служит его дешифратором. Таким образом ReCaptcha помогает оцифровывать книжные архивы - туда "уходят" слова, которые в книге затруднилась распознать машина.
Цитата: reCAPTCHA is a system originally developed at Carnegie Mellon University's main Pittsburgh campus. It uses CAPTCHA to help digitize the text of books while protecting websites from bots attempting to access restricted areas. On September 16, 2009, Google acquired reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA is currently digitizing the archives of The New York Times and books from Google Books. Twenty years of The New York Times have been digitized and the project planned to have completed the remaining years by the end of 2010.
Comments 8
Цитата: reCAPTCHA is a system originally developed at Carnegie Mellon University's main Pittsburgh campus. It uses CAPTCHA to help digitize the text of books while protecting websites from bots attempting to access restricted areas. On September 16, 2009, Google acquired reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA is currently digitizing the archives of The New York Times and books from Google Books. Twenty years of The New York Times have been digitized and the project planned to have completed the remaining years by the end of 2010.
Так что оно само не знает, что спросило.
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