With all the things I should be doing (studying, posting about Pride, responding to comments, catching up with the flist, commenting...) I ended up spending the afternoon changing my userinfoes. Yeah, I know: I suck.
And not in a positive, life-affirming way, to quote Brian.
Take a look anyway?
Comments 6
Sul serio, troppo caruccia *___* ♥
Scusa per il commento così striminzito, ma sono in ufficio e devo fare tutto di corsa :/
Da sempre una certa soddisfazione sbirciare LJ dall'ufficio, eh? Mi manca la superconnessione del giornale in cui facevo lo stage, mi ero abituata troppo bene...
And this Slytherin is love banner... May I take it to my userinfo?;)
Yep, the mess that were the old infoes was driving me nuts, I had to do something! You know, I actually got the idea of using a table from *your* profile :)
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