Here's Rorschach's permissions meme. Post here, message me, or IM me if there's anything you'd like to plot or discuss. Don't be shy!
Sure! Unless I specify otherwise.
Well, he'll probably freak, unless you're a good friend or a kid or something. But go right ahead!
Again, if you enjoy being maimed, definitely! :D Rorschach has a huge hate for all things sexual.
Touching, sex, etc.:
Um. See above. Buuut if you really wanna molest Walter, poke me on AIM or something!
Significant others:
There's just no IC way to allow this. He's a bachelor forever, unless he's been affected by one of Komui's potions or something. Again, message me!
Go ahead, but keep in mind he'll fight back. He's pretty strong, stronger than a normal human, but if yours is super-strong too, he/she can probably take him out. Ask me first if you plan to seriously injure him, please.
Stuff he shouldn't know:
Nothing at this point! At least I can't think of anything. When in doubt, AIM is your friend.
Good Side:
Admire him, but make it as sincere-sounding as possible. Share certain political views with him. Have a sharp wit; a knack for saying things concisely. If you're a girl, refrain from wearing short dresses or skirts. Being a young child, especially a vulnerable young child, always helps. Above all, be loyal and a law-abiding citizen.
Bad side:
Insult him. Insult his chosen profession. Rip off his mask. Be his psychoanalyst. Act like a whore (he has a very wide definition of "whore" under which almost any female falls at some point in her life). Commit a crime, any crime really, but especially murder or rape. Abandon him or let him down, supposing you've gotten into the small group of people he trusts.
Fourth Wall:
Hmm. How about ask me first? Because while he's most likely not going to believe you because, well, he knows he exists, it could make your character take him less seriously. Or something. Just contact me first.
Can he hack your journal?:
Probably not. He's not an extremely technology-oriented type of person. He's also from 1985.
Can you hack his journal?:
Contact me first! But most likely the answer is yes. I love confusing angsty confusion, misunderstandings, and the like.
Ask me first! Most likely I'll say yes.
Hmm, likely no for death, because I don't want death to be too cheap and all for him. Maiming, however, I am open to. Just ask!
It's likely he's the one who caused it in the first place, so. Yeah. Keep in mind if it's blood from a murder, he'll try to track down the killer and administer his own justice!
Please tell me I posted this right this time.