cuz my twinsie Syrynn

Jan 13, 2006 16:46

1)What time do you get up? - usually 330pm (I work nites, member?)
2)Diamonds or pearls? I only own diamonds but I love pearls
3)What was the last film you seen at a theatre? Aeon Flux
4)What is your favorite TV show? The Price is Right (cheesy, yes) and Will & Grace...oh and anything medical
5)What did you have for breakfast? toast with peanut butter and orange marmalade and a 'nana
6)What is your middle name? Michelle
7)What is your favorite Cuisine? anything Asian
8)What food do you dislike? watermelon, strawberries, processed cheese, anything with curry
9)What is your favorite chip flavor? Honey BBQ Twists (YUM!)
10)What is your favorite CD at the moment? Lucky by Melissa Etheridge...feelin it right now
11)What type of car do you drive? Ford Focus Wagon (aka Shaggin Wagon)
12)What characteristics do you dislike? liars, users, pretentious folk
13)Favorite item of clothing? jammies
14)If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? Greece (again)
15)What color is your bathroom? Ours is an Ocean Theme TOOO!!!!
16)What is your favorite cartoon? Neurotically Yours (
17)Favorite brand of clothing? Old Navy
18)Where would you like to retire at? anywhere I can scuba dive
19)Favorite time of day? evening
20)What was your most memorable birthday? 30th...went to Vegas
21)Where were you born? Williams AFB, Mesa, AZ
22)Favorite sport to watch? baseball (go Dodgers!)
23)Who do you least expect to send this back to you? people will send it???
24)Who do you expect to send it back? again with the question
25)What Fabric detergent do you use? I have no idea...I don't do the detergent purchasing
26)Coke or Pepsi? coke...with lime
27)Are you a morning person or night? - night
28)What is your shoe size? - 8.5/9
29)Do you have any pets? nope
30)Any new or exciting news you want to share with family or friends? uh uh
31)What did you want to be when you grew up? a nurse...imagine!
32)When is your birthday? - February 12th.

1) Day or night? didn't we do this earlier??
2)Summer or winter? Fall
3)Favorite advertisement? I don't get to watch much boob tube
**********Right now*********
1)Wearing? a pink tank top, white chonies and jammie pants (I JUST got up, people!)
2)Eating? not any longer
3)Drinking? coffee
4)Listening to? my nails on the keyboard
**********Last 24 hours*********
1)Cried? - Nope.
2) Met someone new? I'm a nurse...we meet new people every day
3)Cleaned your room? no but the dust bunnies have put in for a change of address with the USPS so I think it's time to!
4)Drove a car? I think I drove home
5)How many hours do you sleep? typically about 5
**********do you Believe In***********
1)God? not the traditional one, no
2)Yourself? most of the time
3)Your Friends? a select few
4)Santa Claus? nope, he died 3 years ago
5)Tooth Fairy? if that bitch takes anymore, I'm kickin her ass!
6)Destiny/Fate? ish
7) Ghosts? yep!

***********Friends and Life**********
1)Who have you known the longest? Bethany...since '84
2)Who do you go to for advice? Jules & Kyle & Stav
3)When do you cry the most? When I'm frustrated
4) Do you want your friends to do this and send it back to you? again with the sending
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