Ugh. I feel all hot and cold and generally blechy. I left work early (\o/), had a good nap, ate dinner, and now it's time for bed again! But first I got to open my parcel from FBR. I ordered some Phantom Planet stuff and other stuff - I can't resist an FBR holiday sale! - and it came with a bunch of extra shwag, including an Ian-of-the-Cab postcard
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Comments 2
poo on sickness! if jeff conrad's magic gets you at least partly healed, rach and i will plan to do the rest with our own magical presence.
(just after typing this, i started sneezing. are you internet contageous?)
Hm, now I'm wondering where I got this sickly from - I haven't been to a concert to catch the concert plague, and although this thing has been going around work, I'd really rather believe that I caught it from the internets. Which I just wrote as internest. Which is kind of how I feel about the internets right now - it's like the interbed, the interwomb, the interbatcave, the intersanctuary, the inter-winter-hidey-hole, the i-just-want-to-curl-up-with-a-blankie-n'-cocoa-in-my-internest. Mmm, sweet sweet internest.
/loopy cold medicine babbling. ♥ ♥ u!
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