Jul 17, 2006 21:05

OMG Just finished watching Kyle XY

Wow I am fully surprised and amazed and excited with the way the writers are handling this whole Kyle remembers nothing thing. I mean think back on any kinda show that had people who didn't know anything, or couldn't remember anything or is an alien and they would never ever even BRUSH upon sex, let alone erections. And OMG the scene with Josh illuding to masturbation. That was a wow too! Also I really sorta wonder what happened after they cut that scene...did Josh show him how it all works and what to do??? 0-0...I wonder...

Also yay yay whats-his-name the not boyfriend isn't a jerk after all, WHOOT! Yay. I'm glad they finally show a dick who isn't a dick. I LOOOOVVVEEE Kyle XY! It is teh CRACK!

Oh btw, GRAPEFRUIT!!!!!! ::snicker::
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