(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 10:54

Gacked from fernwithy:

LJ Interests meme results

  1. coffee:
    What can I say? I'm a uni student. I live on the stuff.
  2. fantasy fiction:
    What I read. May I recommend Isobelle Carmody?
  3. house md:
    Self explanatory - except that I have no TV now, so have to wait for DVD release. (Downloading, unforunately makes my 'puter DIE.)
  4. lost:
    Self explanatory - except that I have no TV now, so have to wait for DVD release. (Downloading, unforunately makes my 'puter DIE.)
  5. pirates of the caribbean:
    Good movie. Has pirates. And Johnny Depp.

    *wipes drool*
  6. randoms:
    Just, you know, the ubiquitous WORD. eg: "That was so random!" "We hooked up with some randoms."

    And I like the concept of randomness.
  7. sailor moon:
    My friend is manga- mad. This one is her fault.
  8. sydney:
    Where I now live.
  9. werewolves:
    What? It's a perfectly valid interest. I like the history of lycanthropy. (Bad wheat, apparently, started the werewolf legend).
  10. x-men:
    The movies are cool. Nifty escapism. Besides, I like both Anna Pacquin and Hugh Jackman, so.

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

In other news, I have my outline done for my monster rt_challenge fic done, and I start holidays tomorrow, so soon I will have fic. And I still need a beta for my original story.
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