I will try to be as succinct as possible in this update kuz a lot has happened since my last visit.
- Working the messed up hours I was, 5a-2p Sun/on off, drained me beyond belief. I kept waiting for the next shift bid to happen to get a better shift for me and my sanity but no such luck. Didn't help I was still low-man-on-totem-pole around there.
- For nearly 6 years now, my right shoulder has been giving me fits due to a slip and fall back then. For whatever reason, it has gotten grumpier and grumpier the past few months. Unfortunately, to the point I was missing work because of it. That and my back was not happy on occasion. As a result, right after I got my health benefits, I was forced to resign. It was a mutual decision between Zappos and I kuz I could have been fired for too many attendance points. This way allows me to reapply once my shoulder is fixed. Will have to COBRA my benefits but it will be better than nothing.
- Speaking of said shoulder issue...Saw the ortho doc yesterday and he does not think it is a torn rotator cuff. Instead, due to the slip and fall years ago, the muscles supporting the shoulder blade have weakened considerably that they do not allow for adequate articulation of the shoulder joint itself. It had gotten to the point I could not wipe my own ass and that is something that is really hard to ask your girlfriend to do for you. I have trouble dressing myself, reaching for most things, pushing with that arm, showering, shaving my head, even brushing my teeth. It doesn't help it is my dominant side either.
- Cortisone shots fucking hurt!!! But honestly, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be but it still fucking hurt. Doc thinks there is an impingement issue because of the shoulder blade and some bursitis. Physical therapy 3 x week for 4 weeks. We shall see what happens.
- Can't believe my insurance nixed the requests for MRIs for my shoulder and back. Have to go through weeks of " conservative therapy" first.
- Sure glad I bought the little car kuz the gas prices are insane. Seems Las Vegas is one of the highest priced for gas int he nation. Oh lucky me! With me not working and Niki having started school on the 9th, we are doing fairly well. My other car is not so well and has a starting issue. Will get that fixed soon.
- Bought a recliner that I absolutely love!!! Give me coffee, my cigs, my recliner and, of course, the remote and I am a happy camper.
- With the shoulder issue I have found it a bit difficult to be on the computer. The worst part is using the mouse which is what affected me most at work, even with all the adjustments I made to my desk and chair.
- Nothing new to report on my transition. I was hoping to see if my benefits would cover some of it but have to put it on hold for a bit. I really do not want to use up my inheritance buying T when I should be paying bills. It is a necessary thing but bills are more important right now. I had wanted to get my top surgery this fall but I am wondering if that will still be possible with the lack of a job. Since I may not need surgery, I can get back to work sooner so it may still be a go.
- Bought a PSP to take me some time off the computer games. It's pretty cool and I have found that I tend to go for the "darker" more disturbing games. Killing monsters and morphed beings is pretty cool. Silent Hill is creepy as all get out!
- We were going to move into a larger place but have to put that on hold as well due to lack of work. Really want to get a place so I can have my dog. She just is not doing well in the pack scenario and needs more one-on-one. With it now so freakin' hot, can't even take her to the park unless it's 3am.
- Niki is really excited about going back to school. She has had to jump through a few hoops but hoping the VA vocational rehab folks approve her so she can start at UNLV in the fall. Fortunately, she is all registered but just need to see if voc rehab will pay for it. She got over one major hurdle already so we are hopeful the rest will be cake. She is taking a summer class now at the community college and is liking it well enough.
- Now I have the bug again to go to school but damn, too much money out and none in does not help.
- Bought a Garmin GPS device kuz I thought geocaching would be really cool. Checked out www.geocaching.com and there are a ton of caches just within 25 miles of home. A bunch out by the dog park we go to. Thought it would be a good idea to get out and about on occasion and take some photos while I'm at it. Something Niki and I can do together and I can maybe learn to like vegas a little more. Seems like a fun activity and am looking forward to finding my first cache.
- Joined Weight Watchers a bit ago and did much better on it when working than now with so much time on my hands. I did lose a bit but now with stress eating and the need of comfort food, it's been much harder. But we make better choices than we used to so that certainly helps.
- The Kidz are all doing well. Had an infestation of ear mites that was fun to treat. 2 25lb+ cats require two or three people just to hold down to put the drops in and do some cleaning. Them boys be strong!!! But those with oppose-able thumbs win out every time.
mona_cox came out for a visit and to interview and test at Zappos. And for whatever reason, they did not hire her :( So wish it could have turned out better but it was great having her here before it got to hades hot. Plus, she was a bit ill and got even sicker when she got home. Poor thing, would have been better to stay here so we could have taken care of her. She was miserable!
- Other than all of that, things aren't too bad. Just wish my physical issues wouldn't get in the way of things and having some fun.
I appreciate the occasional nudges from folks. I had not forgotten about y'all but things were just really outta whack for me these past months. They still are but with so much more time on my hands, I hope to be back here more regularly. Need to keep up with what my peeps be doing ;)
More later as my back is getting cranky. I can hear the recliner calling my name now :D