Have a Plurk? Ever wondered how to get those 12 invites to gain those super special emoicon and that shiny badge?
Hullo Plurkers~! Have you ever thought to yourself: Boy, I really wish I had a surprise!buttsex emoicon to harass my friends with on Plurk! But alas, it cannot be so, for I do not have 12 friends to invite!
Well never fear for there is a cheat and now you, too, can have a surprise!buttsex emoicon.
This was shown to me by some poor sap whose name I can no longer remember. It isn't a complicated process but I guess it's complicated enough that some people are
So gather round.
The first step is to go to your invites page. No, not the link in the upper right corner! What you wanna do is this:
1) go to your main plurk timline page www.plurk.com/YOURPLURKNAME
2) at the end of the address add: /invites
it will bring you to this:
Now, copy that address and log out. You're back at the front page as a result so paste it back into the address bar (DON'T log in!) and hit enter.
Now you have this:
Click the gray 'Start Using Plurk' button. It'll bring you to the sign up pop up window like so:
Your email and password is probably filled in already if you have Firefox and command it to remember your plurk name. Delete it if it is.
Now comes the fun part. The thing about inviting friends is that they simply need to join. Whether or not they validate their email address doesn't matter. Thus you can literally type in anything as an email address so long as it follows an email formula.
Thus we can do something like this:
Now click register! It will bring you to your new account page. Log out and repeat the process 12 times. REMEMBER: USE A DIFFERENT PLURK NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS EACH TIME. Everything else can be the same if you want but you cannot use the same email address twice, fake or otherwise. Then BAM! The surprise!buttsex icon is yours. As is a handful of others.
You will receive a friend request from your fake created account. Just reject it. There's no obligation to add it. So long as the account is created and the "friend" has joined, you get the point towards obtaining the emoicons.
Piece of cake, right??
Enjoy your surprise!buttsex.