Italy loves his boss. Except for the times when his boss has affairs with questionably young girls or when sometimes he borrows Big Brother Spain’s men, and they were really pretty men! But it wasn’t always good when the reporters found the pretty men in his boss’s villa walking around naked with really pretty women. And then the newspapers write angry stories and everyone else in the EU give him stern looks-especially Germany-at the meetings. Except then AC Milan wins a game and everyone loves his boss again!
Lately Italy’s boss has been telling him that he should become better friends with Russia. It made sense, in a way, because Italy’s boss was really good friends with Russia’s boss. Russia’s boss even had a special bed in Italy’s boss’s house! But Italy didn’t really like to go there because when Russia’s boss was staying in Italy’s boss’s house that meant that Russia had come to visit too. And Italy liked Russia when Russia was really far away because when Russia got closer that meant Italy could see his face and Russia made really scary faces sometimes. But he gave gas to the rest of Europe so that was good.
Russia’s boss is over now and Italy has something he has to tell his boss, well really Romano has something he wants to say to their boss about agriculture and the economy but Romano never really likes talking to their boss because he says that he always listens to Italy more. Italy doesn’t really notice, but Romano’s face gets all red and his cheeks get puffy when Italy suggests that he should talk to their boss on his own. Then he starts yelling really loud and cursing really creatively and Italy starts to worry that the Pope will hear so he tells Romano that it’s okay, he’ll talk to their boss for him.
Except it’s been a long time since Italy started looking and he’s beginning to wonder if maybe his boss isn’t home today. He was supposed to meet with Russia’s boss, but sometimes they don’t meet in his house. Or sometimes they do meet in his house but then they decide to go somewhere else and then get back really<./i> late. Either way it’s getting late as it is, late in the afternoon at least, and Italy realizes he hasn’t had his siesta yet. The things Romano wanted him to tell their boss weren’t that important anyway, and Romano would understand if he needed to take a break for a siesta! After all, Romano always gets really angry when he doesn’t take his siestas on time so he’s not allowed to get angry at Italy for not taking one.
His plan now formed in his mind, Italy turns and makes for the nearest bedroom, easily shucking his clothes and diving beneath the covers. They’re really soft, he thinks as he drifts off to sleep, and his boss may not always spend his money in the right places, but it’s at least nice that he makes sure that everyone who visits his house sleeps really well.
Italy wakes to the feeling of someone petting his head in slow, purposeful strokes. It’s kind of strange, he thinks through the haze of just-waking-up, and kind of nice, especially how their hand is really big so sometimes it brushes his hair right there and sends a warm jolt right down his spine to pool beneath his belly.
“Aah, just give me a few more minutes,” he whines softly, squirming against the petting, curling up in his blankets a bit more.
“Oh, but [ItalyinRussia]’s boss told me that I should come and wake you up,” is the reply, in a deceptively calm, deep voice, “Though your sleeping face is really cute. I didn’t want to wake you but your boss said that I should. Did you have a good nap? It was a siesta, right?”
“Ah, yeah,” Italy replies, shivering only a little, Russia’s still petting his hair, “It was siesta time, so I thought my boss would understand.”
“Mmh, he does,” Russia reassures him with a serene smile, “Mr. Berlusconi said he would meet with you later. He knows you are still groggy after you wake up and he wants to make sure you're attentive for your meeting."