Jul 12, 2010 08:50

This is a notice to warn you about an abusive user called fort_kanji. If this person adds you, DO NOT ADD HIM BACK. He has a history of enabling, cyber stalking, and harassing younger women.

The user fort_kanji, known in real life as Lohr Miller, is a close-to-sixty year old who lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He constructs an identity for himself on Livejournal that is predicated on pseudo-intellectualism and thinly veiled misogyny, racism, and sizeism. He values what he called BRDYTW girls, which stands for "bookish reclusive dangerously younger train wrecky," a new acronym to stand in for an older adjective he invented based on the condition of cachexia, in which a person suffering from cancer or another chronic disease loses weight and muscular strength as a result of the disease. These girls are invariably white; he has a history of coldly dissociating from nonwhite women because of their racial or ethnic identity. These girls are also preferably underage or in their early twenties. Mr. Miller has had a history of supporting and enabling eating disorders, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse in young women.

Additionally, Mr. Miller, upon acquiring contact information for young women he adds on Livejournal, proceeds to contact them relentlessly, often with unwanted levels of communication. In a single evening, Mr. Miller sends 3-4 mass e-mails on average--sometimes as many as 8 or 9--bemoaning his loneliness and giving his telephone number to anyone who might want to call. He is the Internet equivalent to a crazy ex drinking a bottle of wine alone at 2am, only he does it almost weekly. Worse, if given a mailing address, Mr. Miller sends unbelievable quantities of sexually explicit letters, postcards, and large boxes of books, often multiple numbers of each in a month. In one (read: my) case, it took threats of calling authorities to finally get Mr. Miller to stop. He has also been known to comb the Internet looking for any information about young women who have already blocked him on Livejournal, and writes entries that (a) detail their goings-on and writes explicitly sexual entries about them or (b) deliberately distorts or twists the realities of the source material.

The Internet is a public forum, and people can say what they want. However, Lohr Miller or fort_kanji has time and time again abused the privilege of access to young women's thoughts and experiences and defamed their images in his own self-interest. He anonymously harasses women in efforts to fool them into responding, he deliberately deletes e-mails imploring him to stop harassment and purports not to have gotten them and/or opened them, he deliberately "misunderstands" arguments for not talking to him and plays the victim. He stalks young women's whereabouts and posts them in his blog--this includes street addresses!

Listen. Ladies, he's sent Corona bottles and knives to girls and asked them to use them as dildos. He thinks that white girls listening to hip-hop means they are sleeping with black men, and fetishizes racist scenarios of gangs of black men raping a single white woman. Seriously. Do not talk to this guy. Do not indulge him by answering his questions. Do not let him flirt with you. DO NOT GIVE HIM YOUR CONTACT INFO.

And to make it easier, here are his usernames on every social networking site you could ever dream of. Isolate him and make it airtight. <-- public version of his Livejournal

As well as e-mail addresses:

CROSSPOST THIS GENEROUSLY, even if you don't know him. He adds a lot of girls, a lot of them who have no idea what his deal is. LiveJournal's done nothing to sanction this guy and he needs to get the picture that what he does is not okay!

important rl

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