Fred Appreciation Day!

Feb 12, 2006 21:46

It has come to my attention that February 25th is the two-year anniversary of the airing of "A Hole In The World."

I hereby declare FRED APPRECIATION DAY, in honor of this.

Fred paired with anyone, Fred alone, Fred fic, Fred graphics, Fred vids if you are so long as it's in celebration of Winifred Burkle, bring it on February 25.

If you definitely want to do something, comment here. You don't have to say what it is yet, just say "Yes! I will be in some way showing Fred-love!" On Saturday the 25th, I'll do a masterlist post of what anyone comes up with. You don't HAVE to sign up now to participate; if you come up with something on midnight of the 24th, awesome, just come and comment on the masterlist with it.

Let's show Miss Burkle some love. :)

ETA: Pimp away, far and wide, etc...
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