Okay so for the past four days I have definetly been GROUNDED! What the crap is that? I get grounded because my little brother and sister decided it woud be a grand idea to sneak out the SECOND STORY window to go play hide and go seek. ... yeah. So me, deciding to exclude myself from the whole situation, decide to mind my own business and talk to
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sO tOniGHt wAs dEfiNaTeLy oNe tO nEvER foRgET! :D *wOw gOoD tiMEs gOoD tiMEs* i'M sO gLAd tOdAy i dEciDeD tO -JACK IT- hAhA! aNd iNvitEd tHE lOvE oF My liFE.. MISS CAPTAIN O'MALLEY tO gO sEe A MoViE wiTh Me AnD AmY! FrOm sOciALiZiNg wiTh EVERYONE tHeRE, nOt bEiNg aBLE tO gEt inTo tHe MoViE cUs wE ArEn'T 17 aNd tHEn A MiRaCLe* cOmiNg uPoN uS wiTh tHAt rEALly cOoL GUy lEtTiNg uS gO iN wiTh hiM, tO tHE HILARIOUS AWESOME mOviE.. ToNigHt wAs BOMBB! tHAnKS sO muCh giRLS fOr tHe MEMORIES* LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART & SOUL <3 ..aNd hAvE A gReAt vAcA mEgGy i'Ll miSs yOu hEcKA! <3 lOvE ALwAyS, MiSs MeL :D
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oh yeah... I LOVE YOU WEIRDO!
<3 your better half
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