Now tell me Cas/Dean isn't canon

Mar 04, 2011 16:04


Ep 10: Heaven  and Hell

Dean Where's your boss?
Uriel: He's not here.  See, he has this weakness - he likes you

Episode 15: Death Takes a Holiday

Castiel: To everything there is a season
Dean: You made an exception for me
Castiel: You're different.

Episode 16: On the Head of a Pin
Dean: Since when does Uriel put a leash on you?
Castiel: My superiors have begun to question my sympathies
Dean: Your sympathies?
Castiel: I was getting too close to the humans in my charge - you. They feel I have begun to express emotions, the doorways to doubt.  This can impair my judgement.

Castiel: For what its worth, I would give anything not to have you do this.


Episode 2

Castiel: I killed two angels this week. Those are my brothers.  I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did it - all of it - for you. And you failed.

Episode 14

Dean  (on the phone): Cas. It's Dean. Yeah, room 31c, basement level, St James Medical Centre.
Cas (standing  in front of Dean, on the phone): I'm there now.
Dean: Yeah I get that.
Cas: I'm gonna hang up now"
Dean: Right

Episode 18: Point of no return

Castiel: May be they're desperate.  May be they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them.
Dean: You know what, blow me Cas.

Dean: Woah Cas, not for nothing but the last person that looked at me like that - I got laid.

Castiel: I rebelled for this? So you could surrender to them?  I gave everything for you and this is what you give  to me?


War of the Sons by Rebecca Dessertine and David Reed

Page 41 - " 'He's [Castiel's] our friend, but he's still an angel.  He hasn't always been honest with us before'.  Sam knew that was hard for his brother to hear - Dean had been growing closer and closer to Cass since the angel had rebelled against heaven."

Page 322 (Cas, answering his phone) - "Dean, your absence has been...concerning me"

Page 325 - "Sam and Dean recounted their journey to Castiel over burgers. Sam noticed that Dean left out a lot of details, most of them concerning Julia".
(Dean had slept with Julia, a fellow hunter, and had started to get emotionally involved before returning. Why would he specifically try to avoid telling Cass about it?)

Even some of the writers ship them!
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