Title: Into Temptation
inmythPairing: Original male/male slash
Genre: Drama, Angst
Summary: Kevin O’Shea and Connor Ferrera shared a mutual hatred, that is until their parents decided to marry each other. Now forced to live as step-brothers under the same roof, their hatred is starting to reach new heights but after a few secrets unwillingly
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Comments 18
Sigh. Writing isn't a priority anymore but I really do want to finish this one cos it's my first ever original, even if it takes me years. Took me 2 years to write 5 chapters... so yeah, not very promising at all, m'afraid. But I'm glad you like it so far anyways and I'll try my best to be more frequent with the updates.
And no, I get what you mean. In my bio at FP, I've said it clearly that my updates are few and far in between due to work, uni, real life, and now love. So if people still put me on their alerts list then I'm hoping they know in no uncertain terms that I can take my time updating.
To be honest, I don't read much online anymore. Again, time issues. Only thing I keep up with is Stupid Post-It Notes by my friend whose story I beta and that's pretty much about it. But I'm glad you find mine worth bookmarking anyways xD and I hope that this time the next chapter would be within 6 months if not less.
Can't wait for the brotherly-love action ;D
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