Время летит неумолимо быстро, вот уже не то что месяц - полтора пролетели. А это значит что? Это значит, что можно поделиться перлами из папочки "Спам". Благо, сообщения от охотниц за заокеанскими женихами поступают с завидной регулярностью.
Frank sincere proud woman
What's up? Excuse me in advance if I have disturbed you, I would like to exchange letters with you. I hope, that the correspondence between us will proceed, and it is interesting to you to read my message. I at all do not
know where to begin. Well, my name is Marina, as you to know. You can name me as you like. I shall not be disappointed. Im from RU. Im 31 years. I never tried to describe to someone my character in the message. I can describe the individuality as the solar, active, frank sincere person. I the kind person though at the same time I am a proud woman. I always appreciated sincerity, honesty and frankness. I hope, that our correspondence will proceed. In the following letter I was would like to read more about you, your way of life. I send you my picture.
Please write ONLY to my personal mailbox: shilmarinka@yandex.ru
I hope that to you to like and we can get acquainted more well.
Bye-bye, Marina
Мне кажется, сочетание доброты с гордостью - это круто! Пожелаем Марине удачи на брачном рынке!
I hope you not against
Hello :)
I send message to you for the purpose of acquaintance. What is your name? I am the young girl, I am 32 y.o, and is still lonely. I want to begin our communication, I live in Russia, I hope you not against?)) The distance means in our modern time a little.
Now I would like to tell about me. As I told me 32 years, my birthday on April 20. I work as the office manager. I love sport, tourism, music, dances. Earlier I have all the time, left for work, and I couldn't construct a family. I have no children, and was never married. I would like to establish a family, and the happy future!)
I send you a photo, and I hope to you it will be pleasant.
Please reply ONLY to my personal e-mail: aleksandramiss1980@yahoo.com
Reply to me, I will wait!
Kiss you...
Дорогая Александра! Я категорически against! Категорически! Надо срочно с этим что-то делать, срочно! Рекомендую обратить внимание на java-программистов: они заценят твоё желание construct a family! Удачи! Ну и за поцелуи отдельное спасибо :)
Hi!! I hope that my little letter will find you in good mood. My Ekaterina. I live in Rus. I am 27 years old. I'm a rather shy girl at first. I open up a little more as I get to know someone. I do not know what to write, I'm very excited, because I never used the Internet for acquaintances. My lady friend has told that I can find
the good and kind man in the Internet. I always wanted to get acquainted with the kind man not from Rus. In Russia it is a lot of alcoholics. Men here do not respect women. I hope that my message has interested you. Also I send my photo. I will write more about myself and I will send more photos if you answer my letter.
If you need my answer Please answer only to my personal mail: finesolebaby1984@yahoo.com
Take care!
Дорогая Катя! Ну что тут скажешь! Проблема алкоголизма актуальна не только в России, и алкоголиков везде своих хватает. Могу пожелать удачи и советую ознакомиться рейтингом стран мира по уровню потребления алкоголя на душу населения, рассчитанным по методике ВОЗ, потому как от России там недалеко ушли представители других стран. Так как география твоей охоты мне неизвестна, то на всякий случай рекомендую, чтоб не наступить на те же грабли.
Вот такой вот у меня был мартовский улов. Это, так сказать, избранное.
До новых встреч, дорогие товарищи!!