Full name: Ella Rachel Cutter
Birthday: 06.08.89
Location: Furzedown
Parents names: Pete and Teresa
Siblings names: Amy
Pets names: Oscar,my cat
Most annoying person you know:Loads,Bianca
Most annoying celebrity: Britney Spears
Most annoying TV character: like everyone from hollyoaks
Most annoying movie character: umm,cecile from Cruel intentions,but i like her
Most annoying song: the stupid dance songs
Most annoying radio DJ: dunno
Most annoying sound: Malini cracking her fingers
Most annoying thing people do: Wear socks in bed
Hottest person you know: Mr Howe
Hottest actor/actress: Jude Law
First person you ever thought was hot: i dont know,probably like,Jacob in reception
Drinks the most: Becky or Malini
Gets the most "action": Asha or Malini
Is the worst driver: I dunno,i think it would be Emily or Saara
Do you wish you could be for a day: I have no idea
Is the smartest: everyone iss
Is the most athletic:Pshh I will say Isobel for her pilates
Would be the first to get married: Sophie
Has horrible luck with the opposite sex:Dont know
Last time you drank but didn't get drunk: Valentines day
Last time you drank and got totally wasted: Ashas house
Have you ever puked from drinking too much: Nop
Have you ever passed out from drinking too much: Not really
Does your personality totally change when your drunk: I get really crazy and then really quiet
Have you ever gotten drunk and hooked up with someone: Sort of
Have you ever done something when drunk that got you in a lot of trouble: no
Have your parents ever seen you drunk: no,but they think they have
Best music genre: I dont know,I dont really have one
Worst music genre: the stupid remix club songs with the ugly girls in the videos
Something you listen to that no one else seems to like: Maybe old stuff
Something you hate that everyone else seems to listen to: Pop
Most overplayed song: They play the killers_somebody told me too much and its killing it
Song that should be played more: London Calling_The Clash
Abortion: Upto the woman,but should be a last resort
Death penalty: Practically against,maybe for some things
"Reality" TV shows: Are good but not the stupid channel 5 beg it ones
Boy bands: a rather annoying, lets bar mc fly though,theyre greatt
Brittany Spears:needs to put some clothes on
Eminem: Is alright,but needs to stop talking about his friends dying or whatever
Napster: was good
Movie nudity: dont really care
Get something pierced other than your ears: depends what it was
Get a tattoo: would probably kill me
Dye your hair an unnatural color: wouldnt really care as long as i didnt fuck my hair up
Stay home from school if you didn't feel good even if you looked okay and didn't think you were gonna puke: I have to put on a good act
Eat whatever you want, whenever you want: yeah,they cant really stop me
Be in charge of the house for a weekend: possibly
Go out and get drunk, as long as you didn't drive: if i was over 17 or something,probably
Use swear words in the house: Dont think they would like it
1 ) If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would it be? French so I could pass my exams
2) If you could have the starring role in any film already made, what would it be? pshpsh umm, Annette in cruel intentions just cos of Ryan phillipe,or something else i dunno
3) If you could receive one small package this very moment, who would it be from and what would be in it? A cd from one of my friends
4) If you could own one painting from any collection in the world but were not able to sell it, which work of art would you select? Im not sure,maybe the one in the tate we drew,just because you could look at that all day
5) If you were instantly able to play one musical instrument perfectly that you never have played before, what would it be? Saxophone maybe,or guitar
6) If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be? Does Bernards watch count? because I just really want it
7) If you had to choose the most valuable thing you ever learned what would it be? Take chances
8)If you could have only one piece of furniture in your house, what would it be? A bed
9) If you could read the private diary of someone you know personally, whose diary would it be? Cant say
10) If you could have one person you know as your slave well-paid and cared for domestic laborer for one month, who would it be? Someone useful haha,maybe Isobel,would be funny
11) If you could choose the way you will die, how would you want it to happen? Not painful
12) If you could wake up tomorrow to learn that the major newspaper headlines were about you, what would you want them to say? I dont want to be in the paper please
13) If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? go shopping
14) If you could choose the music at your funeral, what would it be, and who would play it? I said I want everyone to laugh at my funeral so like music my friends can dance to
15) If you could take away the vocal cords of any person, who would it be? The girl wrom Black eyed peas,hate her
16) If you had to describe your idea of the perfect mate, how would you do it? I dont get it
17) If you had to have a personal friend redecorate your house, who would you pick to do it? Not sure, I think people like Saara and Emily would make it crazy and people like Tafara and Becky would plan out a whole colour scheme
18) If you had to choose the worst home you've ever lived in, which one was it? My flat,..i dont even remember it
20) If you could learn the total number of hours you have spent in your life doing one thing, what would it be? laughing
21) If you had to describe yourself as a child in one word, what would it be? Annoying
22) If you could own a single prop from any film ever made what would you choose? Something I could sell for loads of money