(Chances Are This Is) How John Winchester Got His Groove Back - 3/13 - Trickster

Jun 04, 2010 21:13


What the hell just happened?

I said she was my favorite, and I AM A GOD.

You're going to fix this, and you're going to fix this now. I can get you a time loop that'll go back and put the last few minutes on hold, but you're going to need to get in there right now.

What do you mean, you can't? I don't care who that yellow-eyed bastard was. I've scraped things like that off the bottom of my shoe.

Oh, so he's got friends? Can take over Reapers? He's part of a plan? Big fucking deal. The plan he's in could fit in the palm of my hand, right next to the future and the past, just above reality and fantasy. There's nothing I can't do.

No, I don't want her coming back all burned. Not that kind of hot. Fine, fine, whatever, just make sure she's in a busty blonde.

I'm not about to let a girl like that be lost. You'll all thank me later.


supernatural, fic, supernatural_fic_my

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