our 4 monthary was last week :). we made a chocolate cake like always *grin. (she actually helped me make it). it was delicious :). then she came to my house and spent the night. i love how she fits perfectly in my arms
I red this somewhere and it made me laugh so i thought i'd share it with everyone :)
"what's up with kotex and their new "flowers on the packaging" campaign scheme? what dumbass thought of that? i could just see all the male executives sitting at the meeting:
exec 1: sales are down 3% this quarter. we need something fresh and vibrant to up our numbers.
exec 2 (the lone female): how about more absorbency? more comfort? better fit? more product choices?
exec 1: no, no....
exec 3: how about flowers on the box? ladies like flowers. they'll buy stuff that has flowers on it.
(execs 4,5, and 6 nod in agreement)
exec 1: ingenius! good work, billy bob. we'll get flowers on our packaging ASAP, and then watch the sales skyrocket." LMAO