What. A. Day.

Jul 27, 2005 21:19

  • got up earlier b/c I was close to running late yesterday.
  • managed to leave even later today. (how does that always happen???)
  • still swiped in on time, but I never want to cut it that close again.
  • fire alarms were going off when I arrived.  I knew that was a bad sign.
  • computer systems down.
  • no kiosks.  no anything.
  • manual check in.
  • chaos.
  • confusion.
  • no mass hysteria.  but close.
  • * Sir, I KNOW that you were told to show up for your flight at least 2 hrs prior. normally, that's how it works.  this isn't normal.  all these people here???  they're on 7:15-7:30 flights.  I am aware that it's after 7.  you don't leave until 9:05.  you think you could let us get these people out of the way first???  we don't have anywhere to put you.  and it's not like you're not the only one on that flight who we're not checking in at the moment.  these other 500 people standing around all want to leave this morning too.*  (didn't actually say all that, but definitely thought it.  and this is the "polite" version.)
  • computer systems come online.  still have to manually check in the first 4 flights (b/c they were assigning seats by stickers) but at least most people flying out after 7:30 can get seats and boarding passes.  they've gotta hold on to their bags for a while yet, but...  it's a start.
  • stupid people.  fine, you want to stand in line anyway???  we can't really stop you.  however, when I cut that line off to try and restore some order, don't be screaming at me.  we told you so.  hold on for a few minutes just like everyone who listened and didn't stand in line, and then we will take care of you.
  • express check-in???  ha.  pick a line.  any line.  whichever feels lucky for you today.  you've got your seat already, so be happy.
  • "Anyone here going to Florida???"
  • you'd think after going through the lines yelling that at the top of your lungs 3 times, anyone going there would have responded and you could have pulled them out and sent them down.  nope.  5th time around, just to make sure, there's still people waiting in line that you walked by and that you know heard you.
  • a HUGE THANKS to every person who has ever remained calm and understanding when they were delayed or made to wait in line for unusually long time.  everyone's in the same boat.  we don't ask for these things to happen either.
  • took an extended break
  • showed Amanda the bags/arrivals deal
  • got "love marked"
  • "Can I get my dog and walk him around???"  "That bag went to Portugal!!!"
  • got a call looking for us.   oops.
  • string UM forms.  "it looks like we're quilting. or doing needlepoint."
  • the three of us with purple passes can "officially" go gateside!!!  and we should have TL's by the end of the week.  it's about time.
  • 5 UM's in my last 20 mins.  did they really need to send two of us???  no.  but we both needed the boost of being sent gateside.  for different reasons.
  • I took 3 girls.  Took us FOREVER to get down there, but that was fine with me b/c by the time I was done, I only had 5 mins left of my shift.  perfect excuse to hang out downstairs for a minute.
  • had a good, short talk.  learned a bit a human brain activity.  don't ask.  it was a good talk though.
  • a hugging competition???  good times with Jason and Andrzej.
  • that's all folks.

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