I never said it was a fasion or ever thought of it as that...I just did it cause it helped...when I was depressed...or mad...or wutever. I am stopping and I hate the fact of ever stopping it...but who should be talking?? I mean, r u gonna stop?
i am still sick and i havent eaten ne thing in 5 days because i throw up everytime(sorry for the gross thought) i ate oatmeal this morning and held it down so far. i feel like shit and i am sorry amy if i got you sick. i have slept about 24 hours in the last few days witch sucks even more i dont thing i am going to school tomarrow ether. well i <3 ya mootch/nuppers gtg.
Well...thats terrible that u r sick. I just ate sumtin and it was good...hehe. Now my throat hurts like a MoFo tho...but yeah, I most likely got sick from my sister Chantal cause she has the same damn thing as me.... but yes...luv ya too diplot and I hope u get to feelin better...
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