hmmm.. I finally have time to be on the internet.. which is crazy!! *gasp* what have I been up to lately? ummm.. yeah... school shizzle which takes up the majority of my time! :P but only one more day till that crap is over.. so I won't have to worry about ever going back there again!! wooooooot!
as I get more and more letters from UNL.. I'm getting more and more and more and even more worried about having enough money to be a part of the interior design program. one of my more recent letters informed me that I'd have to buy my own PC laptop which will cost enough by itself (by the way.. does anyone know any cheep places to get one... non-dell related, please) but I'll also have to get almost $500 worth of software... (one program by itself costs about $225... talk about crazy... by the way.. none of this can be bootleg, they will check o.o) I've visited the college and I know that I'll have to purchase several other supplies for little 3D models and such... now, if I'm not already worried about all the costs.. everyone keeps telling me about how challenging the courses are and how the text books are "this big" holy crap... *sigh* but I will work hard and stuff (harder than I've ever worked before, probably.. since 3rd and 4th year are recommendation only o.o--lets hope I'm good... *sigh*) I hope I get some money from parents and people for graduation, it'll help A LOT! why can't I have a random relative that I don't know that will give me several thousands (like someone else I know.. bitch.. *scowl*) not because I need to just have money, because I want to get an education *sigh* I think buying a car isn't going to help that.. but it's a VERY good car for $8000... and I need one if I plan on moving out anytime soon and marcus needed a car too (mustang) because he simply can't afford one.. or come even close to it... which reminds me that I' might be getting another job/a new job (but I don't know how I'd break it to richard) what do you guys think.. I have a slim chance at getting a job for $14 an hour... 8-hour shifts... benefits... but it might have to become full time.. should I quit kabuki? which is a place that I love working, but just isn't bring in the big bucks anymore.. *sigh* yargh end of rant
do you think I look pretty in this picture? I think it's a very nice picture.. this was outside the student union on prom night :D teehee (taken by michael *wink*)
you guys need to gimme a call sometime this summer.. hopefully I'll be able to catch up on things with aaron and angie and jubi and those other people whom I really haven't gotten to see during the past year.... oi... I miss them dearly (yeah.. I see jubi at school SOMETIMES but I miss really chatting with her and stuffs).
I'm almost done reading my fave. book for the second time.. and I'll probably read it at least one more time during the summer.. I love it.. and it makes me think about the world around me and everything, ya know what I'm saying? I kind of like to think that I'm a lot like the main character, although it's hard to say that because I know that I usually get into the books I read.. but you know.. I'm really more of an observer than anything.. as in I really like to go someplace just to watch the people around me and think about why they're there... who they're with.. what problems they're having now.. and you know.. just to be a little odd, I suppose? I'm sure everyone else does that sometimes.. but yeah, the book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower. if you haven't read this book, I would suggest you do so.. it's fantastic :D well, I suppose that's enough for now.. I should maybe be getting ready for work or something *shrugs* I love you all...
--kaylene <3
::note:: sara mo. thanks for introducing me to ted leo and the pharmacists.. I enjoy listening to them very much.. *hugs*
::extra note::
--10 days till me and michael's one year anniversary.. and if you were wondering, things are going great :D *^^* I love him very much so!:D *sigh of love* Je me suis tombe amoureux avec michael! something like that... haha I suppose it happened a while ago :D *kisses for him*