What's been going on? well, not a lot... just the usual :D hehe I just got back from winter vacation in Breckenridge, CO... so I thought I'd start off with some great pictures of the trip!!
This is me.... obviously :D
These are some mountians that we drove through...
This is the view from our townhouse! very very nice :D
This is the view from the bedroom of michael and I.
And this is our townhouse!!
As the locals say "fire on the mountains" sunset was so beautiful every night.. it was crazy!! you don't really get the full effect from the picture, though...
I just thought this was very strange.. this is a starbucks, but it's not very traditional, it's just in a little yellow house :D very cute~
Some mountains
Some more mountains
Michael and I!! This day it snowed about 2 feet
Whoooooo whooooooo smoochies <3
We didn't actually use this room during the trip... but it was pretty nice :D
Here's some pictures of Mike.. isn't he just the cutest? :D
This is me... looks like "america's next top model" huh? hahahahaha just kidding :D I wouldn't like tyra judging me.. who is she to judge those girls? psh...... that show's just about the opinion of like... 5 people :P
Here are some random pictures of me.... just around the townhouse :D
Well, that was fun... I'll try to update this journal more often, I suppose....... I also have a facebook now, if you need to contact me!
much love,
Kaylene <3