I experienced a brief trickle of that SPRINGCLEANING! feeling earlier. I took advantage and started to clean out all the paperwork I keep hidden under my futon... What a chore. The feeling started to ebb about twenty minutes ago, and now all I want to do is burn everything and go to the library instead.
I just tried to learn a Miley Cyrus dance. Why am I wasting my time on this exactly...?
Not only is it weird that I'm killing time learning a dance by Miley Cyrus, but the icing on the cake is the fact that I just... can't... do it...!!! What the eff?!
...Don't be sad for me. I'm sad enough for myself, but thanks anyway.
The NYU experience is now complete. Time to wake Mike the eff up to pack his bags so we can head over to Port Authority and catch the bus to Pennsylvania by four. Then, the Lehigh experience will commence.